Jesus – The Alpha and Omega

I love almost all things Christmas. But rather than only getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all – this year, I want to get caught up in knowing Jesus more. I hope you will subscribe and join me in my journey to know Him more.

Have you ever wondered how it is that God has always been? Does it boggle your mind that He is eternal? No beginning – no end – He just is and has always been and will always be.

In our finite concept of all that is, we can only imagine that everything must have had a beginning at some point and time. The reality is that all that exists not only has a beginning but it also has an end. Everything with the exception of God.

So, what does it all mean? In today’s post, we’re going to explore the richness of the reality that He is the Alpha and Omega.

The title, Alpha and Omega speaks to many characteristics of the Living God. First, it defines Jesus as the eternal Ruler of all that is. He is without beginning; He is without end. He has no equal; He has no need of anything or anyone. He is God.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord God, He Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty (the Ruler of all). Revelation 1:8 (Amplified)

His eternal title also affirms His deity. He is not a created being, He is the Creator of all beings. He did not come into existence, He spoke all things into existence. He is God.

Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: ‘I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me. Isaiah 44:6

As the Alpha and Omega, He holds all things together. He is the beginning and the end. In Isaiah 41:4 we find the Old Testament counterpart to Revelation 1:8 declaring the Lord to be eternal.

Who has prepared and done this, calling forth and guiding the destinies of the generations [of the nations] from the beginning? I, the Lord–the first [existing before history began] and with the last [an ever-present, unchanging God]–I am He. (Amplified)

In the Greek, Alpha (A) is the first letter of the alphabet and Omega (Ω) is the last. In English, it would be similar to referring to someone as A and Z. The first and the last. Letters that serve as bookends which hold everything else together. Without them, nothing else makes sense. With them, everything is complete.

Jesus is that for us. He completes us. He is not only the One who holds our lives together, He is why our lives make sense.

“and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority” Colossians 2:10

“For in him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28

Today, you may be facing some very difficult days. Perhaps your circumstances cry out for clarity and your heart may be overwhelmed. But the Alpha and Omega can make sense out of that which makes no sense at all. He is the matchless Creator of the universe who holds the world together. Don’t you think He can hold your little world together too!

Dear one, He loves you with a love that is as timeless as He is – an everlasting love from an everlasting God. As the Alpha and Omega, He is also able to be all things in between. I pray you will allow Him to be your First, your Last and all things in between.

Last week I spent my first Thanksgiving without my mom. It wan’t easy. Death really doesn’t make sense. But the Alpha and Omega reminded me that my mom is with Him now. She may have had a beginning, but she will never have an end. Eternity with God can only come from an eternal God. And I’m so thankful He makes sense out of everything in between.

Will you take a moment during this Christmas season, to worship the Alpha and Omega – to thank Him for being greater than our grandest thought and beyond what our minds can conceive.

I’d love to have you join me this month as we seek to know the Savior more. He is Jesus – the Alpha and Omega – and so much more.

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  1. Excellent! Isn't knowing Him what it's all about?

    I subscribe, but I just put my face up there. I thought it already was. 😉

  2. Sandra ~ Don't you just love how He loves us…and the fact that He desires that we know Him more! I'm so excited about this study. I can't wait to know Him more through it all! 🙂 Glad we're growing together.

  3. For so many, this will be a 'first' holiday season without their loved one. Some, like you, are assured of their resting place with the Lord at this time; others are not so sure.
    But even now they can take this time for themselves and their other loved ones left behind to come to know Him more…maybe even for the first time to let Him into their lives. What a wonderful gift that would be!!

  4. Beautiful!

    Stephanie — I've been so blessed with your posts on facebook and now here. Thank you for sharing your heart. 🙂



    (and now, I'm following you via GFC!)

  5. Rose ~ You are so right! Some have the assurance where their loved ones are, some (like my husband whose father died in 1997) can only hope they received Christ at some point in time before they died. How painful “not knowing” is!
    But as you said, all we can do is invest our life in knowing Him more and perhaps sharing Him with others more. I pray the Lord would use us to reach people with the good news that Jesus saves.

  6. Rachel ~ Thank you so much for you sweet words and for joining me in this journey to know our Savior more! What an awesome God we serve!

    By the way…I'm going to pop over to your site too. Can't wait!

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