I Am With You – Speaking Peace to Your Heart

Yesterday, we looked at how the Lord often speaks peace to our storms, calming the waves of our circumstances with just a word. But it doesn’t always happen like that, does it?

Sometimes, rather than speaking peace to our storms, the Lord chooses to speak peace to our hearts in the midst of our storms.

That’s exactly what He did for Moses.

Just a quick glimpse at Moses’ life and we find a plethora of precious and powerful examples of how God chose to change his heart in the midst of his circumstances, but for the sake of time, we will just examine one.

“Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” Exodus 3:10-12, 4:12,15

God was calling Moses to do something much bigger than himself. But how often has God called us to what we are capable of on our own? 

When God calls us to something we know is more than we can handle on our own….something bigger than us….something that will cost us, we often do the same thing Moses did – we lay out our list of excuses at the feet of the Living God as if He isn’t aware of our inadequacies.

Now I’m not sure what the Lord is calling you to do, sweet friend, but I can pretty much guarantee that it’s not as complicated or dangerous as going head to head with the Pharaoh of Egypt and delivering the children of Israel from bondage.

As the story unfolds we don’t find God softening Moses’ call or changing his impending circumstances – but you do find the Lord promising Moses the same thing He promises you and I. In verse Exodus 3:12 God makes this promise… “I will be with you.”

Like Moses, sometimes we’re tempted to give God our list of excuses as to why we’re not the best pick for the job.

But let me paraphrase Exodus 4:11-5 as  God tells Moses…

I already told you I’ll be with you, but now you’re telling Me you can’t speak. Well, don’t you think I already know how well you speak. I created you. I told you… I’ll be with you. That means I’ll be with your mouth too. OK, I’ll let you take your brother Aaron the Levite with you. He speaks well. AND I’ll be with your mouth and his and teach you both what to say.

When the disciples where being tossed to and fro in the boat, Jesus chose to change their circumstances and speak peace to the storm that was raging all around them.

But God didn’t change Moses’ circumstances. The call remained his to fulfill. He still had to deliver the children of Israel. He still had to go head to head with the Pharaoh.

We know the rest of the story. Time and time again, Moses petitioned Pharaoh for the release of the children of God. After plagues that seemed like something from a sci-fi movie, Pharaoh relented, only to reconsider. He then began to pursue the Jews through the miraculously parted Red Sea, only to be swallowed by the ocean in their pursuit.

It’s sad that Pharaoh wouldn’t relent and repent. He arrogantly dug his heals in until he dug his own watery grave… but look at how God changed Moses in the midst of his precarious circumstances.

Moses had been a content to exist as a shepherd in the hills of Midian when God called him to confront Pharaoh and demand that he let God’s people go.

Don’t think for a minute that Moses wasn’t afraid every time he stepped through that palace door and had to stand before Pharaoh. Remember, Pharaoh didn’t respond to Moses’ request by saying, “Sure Moses, no problem. Whatever you say.”

But God was with Moses and He developed him into a strong and courageous leader through his circumstances.

The plagues didn’t just show Pharaoh that God was who He said He was…they also showed Moses that God was who He said He was and that He does what He says He will do.

Ladies, God may not always choose to change our circumstances…He may just choose to change us in the midst of our circumstances.

Whatever you are facing today, sweet friends, …if you don’t see things changing around you, hold on, continue to be obedient and trust in the promise and power of His presence. He may just be working on your heart and trying to change you in the midst of your circumstances.

Join me tomorrow as we will look at how He sometimes chooses to change our perspective even though our circumstances stay the same.

But today, will you take a few minutes and ponder the path of your feet? Where have you been? What have you been going through lately? If your circumstances haven’t changed, perhaps it’s because He’s not through changing you.

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