Delight Yourself in the Lord
08/30/2009 at 3:53 pm
Just on the heels of the Beth Moore simulcast, I find myself exceedingly amazed at our God. I had no idea what Beth’s topic was, I only knew I had to be there. And there she was…on Psalm 37:4. The very same place the Lord has had me for the last couple of months. I was so thankful and blessed to know that the Lord used Beth to echo the very same message He has been whispering to my restless heart.
It seems as though I’ve been having an emotional wrestling match with God as I’ve been crying out, “But God, You know my desires. You know I long to do such and such. You know how desperately I need to see You work this or that in my life…in my husband’s life…in my children’s life…in my family’s and friends’ lives.” Yet, time and time again the Lord embraces me with His grace and whispers, “Delight yourself in Me. Delight yourself in Me.”
Maybe I haven’t been listening like I should. O.K. I’m sure I haven’t been listening like I should. But how sweet to know that God loves me so much and sees my heart’s cry and uses a tiny Texan with a passion for God and a passion for His Word to deliver His very same message with a Texas twang. Delight yourself in God.
He is my delight. He is my joy. He is my life. There is no question…He is the passion of my heart; my most treasured relationship. Unfortunately, life tends to scatter my thoughts and I find myself distracted by my relentless “to do” list. And so my sweet Savior calls me back to the place of fellowship with the Living God as He once again has reminded me, “Delight yourself in Me.”
Turn off the television, the ipod and the phone; step away from the computer…just be silent before God. Meditate on His Word, His Goodness, His mercy and His love for us. Don’t allow your life to be so loud that it drowns out the still small voice of God. Just stop…be still…and delight yourself in the Lord.