These days, it seems as though my life is a whirlwhind of constant activity. Caring for my ill and aging parents, organizing the Ignite Pastors’ Conference, making travel plans for the team, preparing to speak at the conference, being a wife and mother, trying to find time to spend with the new grandgirl, taking care of my home…oh, and let’s not forget the 9 to 5 job.
With everything going on, my mind is stuck in overdrive and my body is stuck in neutral. As my daddy used to say, “My get up and go done got up and went.” My plate runneth over.
Many of you can relate. I’m not the only one running on overload. I’m not alone on the road of the “walking weary.” In fact, just the other day I was faced with a straw situation and felt as though one more adverse circumstance was going to be the one that would brake this camel’s back and I found myself crying out to God…”I’m so tired, Lord…I’m so weary!”
It wasn’t long before I was gently reminded to “come unto Him” because I was definitely heavy laden. I definitely needed rest.
But what does that verse actually mean? Notice the commands in the Message version, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Some of us are very tired and completely worn out…we need rest. But finding rest requires that we “come unto the Lord…get away with Him…walk with Him, work with Him, watch Him and learn from Him.”
When life has us frazzled and our busy lives overshadow our relationship with the Living God, maybe we need to take a Jesus Retreat and curl up under the shadow of the Almighty. There, we will find rest for our souls and protection from the battle that rages on around us. There, we can open our mouths wide and be filled. Under the shadow of His wings, we can find warmth, comfort and healing. Our strength can be renewed, our hearts can be refreshed and we will understand what it means to “come unto Him.”
This weekend, I’m going to take a Jesus Retreat. It may only be for a few hours, but I desperately need to “come unto Him…to place my yoke upon Him…to curl up under the shadow of the Almighty.” There, I will find rest. You will too.
You may be in a place in your life where you know you need to be still and know that He is God. You may just need a Jesus Retreat of your own. If you decide to take a Jesus Retreat, please come back and post a comment sharing how the Lord worked in your life. I’d love to hear from you.
I need a Jesus Retreat. I'm overwhelmed right now … with many good things … but I am prayerfully considering which good things need to be let go so that I can have the best things God has for me. I've been contemplating a prayer retreat – even just for 12 or 24 hours.