A couple weeks ago I told someone I wanted to live my life face down. Kind of a hard position to spend the rest of my life in. After all, if I’m literally face down, walking would be pretty difficult…driving would be impossible…and working…well, let’s just say I would definitely have to retire.
But living life ‘face down‘ isn’t about the posture of our body, it’s about the posture of our heart. When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him and identified Himself as El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty. He called Abram to serve Him blamelessly and promised He would make Abram a father of a multitude of nations. Abram’s response…FACE DOWN!
As Moses and Aaron stood outside the Tabernacle, the awesome glory of the God ushered in the consuming fire that engulfed the burnt offering that had just been placed on the altar. The people’s response…FACE DOWN!
When Moses and Aaron faced a possible spiritual coup as the people questioned their leadership, Moses and Aaron quickly fell…FACE DOWN!
When thirst surpassed their senses, the children of Israel began to complain to Moses and Aaron. The two men of God responded by running to the door of the tabernacle and falling…FACE DOWN!
When God gave explicit instructions on how the Ark of the Covenant-the place of atonement was to be designed, He told Moses He would meet him at the place where the tablet containing the Ten Commandments was covered by the Mercy Seat. Where the cherubim stood on either side, wings spread and…FACE DOWN!
That’s how I want to live me life…FACE DOWN! The place where I worship the Living God. The place where El Shaddai meets with me. The place He makes His presence known. The place where He defends me from those who rise against me. The place where the law meets grace. The place of protection, power and promise. FACE DOWN before the Lord of lords and King of kings.
For the sake of keeping this post somewhat short, I couldn’t possibly cover the vast significance of what Bible says about being ‘FACE DOWN.’ But I do hope it may have nudged you into doing your own Bible study on that phrase. If you’re not sure how, go to biblegateway.com and type in the words ‘face down’ under the tab, ‘Keyword Search.” If you do a little study of your own, I’d love to hear from you.
How do you want to live your life? What other examples can we find about living our lives ‘FACE DOWN”?