“You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, And called from its farthest regions, And said to you, ‘ You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away: Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” Isaiah 41:9-10
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, under siege and in between a rock and a hard place. At times, I wish I could stop my world, get off, take a little vacay and jump back on board when it comes around again. Honestly, I just need a break! Perhaps you feel the same way at times. Maybe you can relate to the extreme need for a little r & r.
The only problem is, I don’t see it happening for me anytime soon. In fact, my schedule has become more complicated than ever and there’s no reprieve in sight. And so, I turned to the only place I could find rest for my weary soul…the Word of the Living God.
There, His Word gently imparts the strength to face today’s “to do” list with child-like, mountain-moving faith. He has called me from the farthest regions where sin held me captive and there was no hope in sight. He has chosen me as His servant and will not…and can not cast me away.
I can face each day unafraid and unalarmed knowing the God who placed planet earth in orbit – the One who spoke life to the dust – the One who gives me each breath will also strengthen me…help me and uphold me with His righteous, powerful and victorious hand.
I don’t see a week at the beach in my near future. I doubt that there’s a cabin in the mountains awaiting my arrival. But I do know that “My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.He is my shield, the power that saves me,and my place of safety. He is my refuge…” 2 Samuel 22:3
Psalm 2:12 tells us there is joy for all who take refuge in Him. Today, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, run to your Refuge. There we can find rest under the shadow of His wings. There we will find faith for today, strength for tomorrow and relief for our burdened hearts.
What about you? Are you overwhelmed today? Did something in this post speak to your heart? Do you have a prayer request? Do you have advice for us weary travelers?
I’d love to share part of your day with you. Click here to subscribe and join me for a journey that may look much like your own.
When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I look to my physical needs as well–get a little extra rest, check my diet, take a long walk (just me and the Lord.)
Hi Sandra,
You're so right! We definitely need to take care of the physical. I didn't really stop and get the sleep I needed after my wreck and now I'm exhausted. Maybe I just need some recovery sleep. 🙂
Thanks, Stephanie! This is a great post. We all have to take, NO, make those times to refuel ourselves. We can't run on fumes! It just doesn't work. We are a three-part being and each part needs refilling on a regular basis. Thanks for the reminder. Loved this!
Hi Lynn,
You're right, we need to fuel our whole being if we're going to be effective. I remember a few years ago, I really wanted to start a ministry with a couple of girlfriends called Tri-You to minister to women, body, soul and spirit. I'm still passionate about doing that, but haven't developed a specific ministry for it yet…yet! 🙂
Love ya, girlfriend!
I can relate to this post…especially today. I've been dealing with some difficult times. I love the gentle reminder that God is my refuge. Thank you. 🙂
Hi Debra,
I'll be praying for you as you go through these difficult days. But this I know…He is with you, He sees you and He will bring comfort and direction to your heart.
By the way, thanks for becoming a Facebook friend too. Your sweet comment blessed me more than you know!
Eternally His,
Phil 3:7-14