Good morning, friends! I hope you had a great Wednesday!
I went to small group last night and had an awesome time with some sweet ladies who obviously love Jesus and God showed up! It was one of those time when the presence of the Lord is real and powerful! We were getting ready to wrap it up and go – and two of the ladies prayed and then there was this holy hush – a silence that we knew we couldn’t break. We were stilled by the clear presence of the Lord and it was beautiful.
I love when God shows up like that. Unexplainable! And we’re just awed in His presence!
Ever sensed God’s presence like that?
I wanted to give you girls a bit of an update today. As we have walked through the Word together, I feel like you’ve become my partners in the ministry. Growing together – knowing God more and serving Him in our own corners of the world. I love that! I love you and am so thankful for this joint venture!
So, sweet sisters, I’ve got several things coming up and I’d love for you to put me on your prayer list. I’ve got several speaking engagements coming up in which they want me to share my testimony. Not just my salvation testimony – but my life story. If you don’t know my background, you can read it by clicking this link.
In a nutshell – my mom was raped and I was the result. I was adopted by two wonderful parents, but from the age of 3 to about 12, I was repeatedly molested and raped. From that time until the day Jesus saved this wretched soul, my life was riddled with one poor decision after another.
I need your prayers because although I’ve shared this at a couple retreats, recently the Lord took me through a very painful place in which my heart hurt over my lost innocence like never before. I know it was necessary in order to minister to those who I’ll be sharing with, but I also know that I am absolutely dependent upon the Lord to get me through it each time.
So, will you please keep me in your prayers for these upcoming events?
March 8th – Radio Interview with Scott McCausey on Speak Up at 8pm
March 11th – Television interview on Atlanta Live at 7pm. If you’re not in the Atlanta area, you can watch online
March 18th – Speaking at CRAVE – a young women’s Bible study and fellowship (sharing my testimony)
April 8th-9th – A weekend retreat with the Scripture Dig Team in Pigeon Forge. (I’ll be sharing my testimony.) Click here for more info.
April 28th-29 – Speaking at a conference in Midland, Texas. Fannin Terrace Baptist Church. (I’ll be sharing my testimony.)
I’m SO thankful for each one of you! You have no idea what it means to me to know that I can send out a cyberspace prayer request and know my sisters from all over the world will lift me up to the Throne of Grace. I know that without Christ, we can’t accomplish anything – but with and through Christ, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.
I SO long to speak hope into these women’s lives. To convey that no one is ever too broken, too battered, too unlovable or too unforgivable for God. That He truly can make beauty out of the ashes of every life that will turn to and trust in Him.
I don’t want it to be about the pain of my past, but about how Jesus is the answer for every hurt and every heartache…for every sin and every poor choice. It truly is all about JESUS!
So, before you ever speak a word of prayer on my behalf, I want to say THANK YOU – THANK YOU – THANK YOU!
On a side note, for those of you who don’t know, I write for a team called Scripture Dig.
It a group of women who are dedicated to encouraging and equipping women to dig in the Word of the Living God! I’m so honored to amongst such wonderful women! I want to encourage you to visit that site. I just know you women of the Word will love it! This month we’ve been talking about doctrine and yesterday I wrote about the doctrine of sanctification. It really is so much more than we think! Click here to check it out, sweet sister and dig deeper!
I’ll be with you tomorrow as we finish up Philippians 2! Love ya!
I wish I could just wrap my arms around you and pray with you FTF.
Lord, thank you for those cracks, those gaping holes in our lives that only you can fill and through which you can shine the brightest. You are in control of all, and we can't possibly understand your plan. But your arms are strong, and your shoulders are broad, and your grace is amazing. Enfold my sweet sister and give her the peace and strength to share her story, to speak hope into broken women–as she does daily–fully dependent on you. Amen.
Praying for you Stephanie! Continually amazed at how HE redeems the messes we make AND those others inflict on us. So very thankful that NOTHING is too hard for Him! Lord, help us stay camped out on that! Thank you for your continual blessings to us with your posts!
I am sad your 'story' has such deep 'wounds' but the Love of God and faith in him does heal us in the deep places. I pray for healing for you and the power to reach others with words that are true and deep and soul touching. Blessings to you as you minister to others.
Pryaing for you Stephanie, right now as I read this and throughout all of our journeys together. You have NO clue how many women you have touched with your blog and your Bible studies! God will be with you every minute and don't think otherwise. If you do, you are letting Satan get in between you and those women that God has put before you to minister to. Love you!
Sandra ~ Thank you SO much for praying over me and allowing me to “hear” your prayer! I love ya, sweet sister. Feels like I know you personally!
Marci ~ Thanks so much! Camping out with you on that! And “messy” is certainly a good way to describe my life…especially B.C. (Before Christ) 🙂
Thoughts for the Day ~ Thank you SO much for your prayers! They have certainly been felt! The Lord is so amazing! As He takes the good, the bad and the ugly strands of our lives and makes a masterpiece tapestry out of them and then allow us to use them for His glory! AMAZING!
Kelly ~ I can not even begin to explain how much your kind words or encouragement and prayers mean, sweet friend! I'm so thankful the Lord used you to speak into my life today! Thanks for being a vessel and pouring comfort and strength into my heart!
Somehow I missed this. I'm so glad I saw it now. I have met so many precious cyber friends that have the same background. Some have developed multiple personalities. Some have overcome the heartache. My heart so aches for you and the others. I will be praying for you, that your words will touch the hearts of many. Remember, you ARE a blessing to others. That's why the Lord is using you. Blessings to you, dear one.