Philippians – Pressing On

Wow – what a weekend! Friday night, I watched the grandgirl; Saturday morning I went with her and my daughter-in-law to the zoo (that was fantabulous!); went to church Saturday night; went to church for 2 services Sunday morning (LOVE Journey Church); went to my mom’s house and cooked baked shells for my stepdad (really missing my mom – it’s not the same without her) and now I’m finally home – looking at this very significant and challenging segment of Scripture.

Compelling words from the Word –

“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:12-14

Through the dailies of our days, we have a chance to make this life count – to pursue that for which Christ pursued us. None of us are there yet. We haven’t arrived. But apprehending that for which Christ has apprehended us should be the constant pursuit of our lives.

Yet, it’s funny how we allow the life God gave us to get in the way of the life He created us to live. Strange how we lose focus in our journey to press toward the mark as we seek to faithfully cross the finish line.

So, let’s ask ourselves a few very penetrating and personal questions.

1. Do you see yourself as created by God for a purpose?

2. Do you know what you were created for – what God’s plan for you life is?

3. Make a list of the things you are doing to accomplish those goals.

4. Are you sincerely pursuing who you were created to be?

5. Do you feel as though God has given you specific dreams to pursue or something you know you are to accomplish? If so, what?

6. If you keep doing what you are doing today, will you be able to fulfill the dream God has tucked into your heart?

7. Are you willing to forget your past failures, successes, trials and temptations in order to press on for the prize?

Remember, you can can’t go very far while you’re looking in the rear view mirror!

8. Consider your relationship with God. What are you doing to draw closer to Him? To know Him more? To love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?

These are definitely questions we need to ask our self on this journey called life.

Today, I was honored to email an endorsement for a book that can help each of us pursue God-given dreams. It’s called The Me Project by Kathi Lipp.

It is hands-down of the most practical, hands-on approach to becoming what you were created to be that I’ve ever seen!

So, while I pray this study will make you sincerely consider the direction of your life, I’m so excited to recommend this as a tool that I know will help you make it happen.

I know you may think the title is a bit self-indulging…like it’s all about me. But in reality the book is all about what Jesus wants to do in and through your if you’ll just start intentionally heading in the direction of your destination instead of watching your life pass by and wondering why you dream so small when you serve such a big God!

So, if you know you were created for more than or something different than where you are and what you’re doing with your life now, then do yourself a favor and buy The Me Project by Kathi Lipp. And I want you to know that if you will follow Kathi’s practical steps, you will be well on your way to becoming who you were created to be. You’ll never look at “pressing toward the mark” with more practical eyes!

By the way, I LOVE Kathi Lipp and I know you will to!

I’d love to share part of my week with you.Click here to get your Bible study in your inbox. Or you can click the Google Feeder or the Networkedblogs link on the right hand side of my site.


  1. Sounds like you was a busy girl the weekend! Me too! Love the cover of the “Me Project: book. Attracting to the eye!

  2. Cindy ~ Hope you had a great weekend! It's always fun with the grandkids!
    You'll LOVE Kathi Lipp's new book! She has a very humorous but practical way to help us fulfill what God has called us to. She's got an awesome heart to help others too!

  3. Stephanie – you are such a gift. I'm so thrilled that you love THE ME PROJECT.You are a blessing in my life!

  4. Kathi ~ I'm so glad you popped in!

    I love how my reading your book lined up perfectly with our study of Philippians 3. It's not easy to press toward the mark if you aren't doing anything to get there and your book helps us do just that!

    Thank YOU for sharing the gifts God has given you and the gift of yourself!

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