Hi friends! I hope you had a FANTABULOUS weekend! Mine was crazy busy…again. But I’d rather be busy than bored.
This week I’ll be over at Scripture Dig sharing about an evergreen topic in a Christian’s life. It’s one I speak on at retreats and conferences and one that we all unfortunately can relate to…Those times when God is silent.
We’ve all been there. Some of us are there now. But seasons of silence often speak louder than words. When we feel as though we are going through a season of silence, we begin to question everything. Yet God’s Word is not silent about those times when He is.
Walk with me through this week’s study as we shed some spiritual light on those dark places of silence. Perhaps you’ll soon begin to tilt the ear of your heart upward and hear the still small voice of God again.
While recently thumbing through an old prayer journal, I was reminded of a very difficult time in my life when our son had drifted far from God and far from all he knew to be right and good. I never even saw it coming…he had become a prodigal. Night after night, I soaked my pillow with tears and wore holes in the carpet next to my bed where I cried out to the Living God to do something in his life. But nothing happened. God was silent.
We’ve all been there. Desperate to see God move. Crying out for heavenly help, yet nothing seems to happen and we begin to wonder if God even cares. Does He see us? Why won’t He answer us? We know the Bible teaches us that God’s sheep hear His voice. So, what’s going on when we can’t hear Him? Why is it that we experience seasons of silence?
Click here to pop over to Scripture Dig and read more. I pray God will use it in your area of silence!