This crisis is the result of an awful collision of drought, food prices, and violence.Many people are responding in the name of many worthwhile things, but I want to respond on behalf of God’s name. I was waiting for someone else to lead the way, but God has imprinted an idea of His on my heart and mind that I am sure He is waiting for me to obediently respond to.
There are 4 Saturdays in August. One one or more or all of the Saturdays in August, would you forgo solid food with me and use the money, instead, to give it to meet needs in Somalia?
I’m asking for you to think, pray, and give for “Somalia on Saturdays.” I’m calling it “S.O.S.” for short. I want us to remember to pray for those who are suffering every time a hunger pang strikes or the abundance passes us.
Many experienced organizations are intervening. As of now, these are faith based organizations I have found that are already on the ground or implementing plans of support in crisis areas: (Click on any one to read about their plans.)
You don’t have to tell me if you give or where you give or how much you give. Just give in Jesus’ name in the way He would give. Will you help me honor Him by taking at least one Saturday this month to think, pray, and give to “Somalia on Saturday?” I know the Lord is calling me to act, and I pray He will call you too to join me in S.O.S.
I’ve created a Facebook event to help spread the word. Please visit and help spread the word so that more followers of God will act on His behalf in response to the cries of Africa.
If you are a blogger who wants to join me and share this wherever you have “two mites,” feel free to copy the code. We are using the hashtag #SOSproject on Twitter.
Thanks so much for helping to spread the news, Stephanie!