Good Friday morning, sweet friends! You ladies have blessed me big time this week! Even though we’ve never met in ‘real life’, I really do love sharing the Jesus life with y’all!
Today, I’m excited to writing on two different sites. I’m at Scripture Dig, talking about the ever-illusive Proverbs 31 woman. I sure hope I’m not the only woman intimidated by Mrs. P31! Today’s post is a great study for wives whether they’ve been married for a month or a half a century. Good stuff from the daunting Mrs. Proverbs 31! Just sayin’!
I’m also blessed to be a guest (hey – that rhymes :-)) over at a sweet cyberspace friend’s page. Her name is Michele Montgomery and her site is called The Journey North. If you haven’t checked her page out yet, please be sure to click here and head over there and show her some Southern hospitality…even if you’re not from the south! 🙂 I’m sharing about “Life on Purpose” over there and I hope you’ll stop by and leave a comment while you’re there!
And before you go, what do you say, we have a little fun? I just started walking again after two years of developing writer’s butt! So, I’ll be getting up in the morning about 5:30 (it’s 12:35 right now) and walking about 3 miles for the second day in a row. Y’all be honest and tell me when the last time you exercised was. Come on now, don’t make me feel alone! Share! (Or should I say, Confess!) 🙂
Stephanie…In the last 6 weeks I have worked out four times a week. Yes I have…I need one more work out tomorrow to make it a full 6 weeks to get technical, but I was desperate to get back in shape! 😉
Angela ~ Your doing much better than me! But I'm back and ready to go. My old wimpy body is feeling it tonight, but I'm glad I'm walking again. Need to do more than walk though!