10 Ways to Give Beyond Your Four Walls

One of the first lessons we learned on the mission field was you have to earn a listening ear. It’s hard for hearts to hear the Gospel when their growling bellies are the loudest things they hear.
It difficult to share the love of Christ with our words unless we love like Christ with our lives.
During this Christmas season, we have the opportunity to considering giving to those who can’t give back. When you want to give beyond your four walls, beyond your family and friends, beyond your neighborhood and even beyond your world, there are ways you can make an eternal difference in the lives of others by touching them where they are.
Below are some links to ministries that are not just focusing on humanitarian needs (which are important) but if that’s all we do then we are only making people comfortable on their way to hell. But the ministries below are loving souls to Christ by meeting a physical need in hopes of sharing their answer to their biggest need…Christ.




3. Our local radio station, The Promise, donates to a children’s home for abandoned HIV positive kids in Africa:


4. You can give to your local homeless shelter. The website address for the one here in Jacksonville is:


5. You can give to a local “Toys for Tots” Foundation. They connect with churches and local ministries to find families in need to minister to. Our local site is:


6. You can connect with one of ministries or ministry partners at Life Today (James & Betty Robinson)-LOVE THEM!

7. You can donate to a friend of mine who heads up several children’s homes and is making a difference in the lives of countless abandoned, neglected and rebellious children through Lighthouse Children’s Homes:


8. Give to a needy neighbor or friend. (No website required!) 🙂

9. Go to a homeless hangout…like downtown or various areas where you see them hanging out and give them blankets, coats, a meal or a giftcard for food.

10. Go to a nursing home and sit with some of the residents who never have a visitor. Don’t know who they are? Just ask the front desk. They do!

How do you give beyond your family and friends at Christmas? How do you teach your children to give?

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