30 / 30 Challenge ~ Nehemiah 9 – 10


Ah yes! It’s day 10 and we have intentionally spent 5 hours in God’s Word and in prayer! What a difference it makes to spend time in the presence of God and learning the Word of God.

Her’s your FREEBIE… Journal Your Way through the Word. You can print that out or use your own notebook or journal. But whatever you use, go grab your 30 and enjoy!


Nehemiah 9 – 10 is a beautiful segment of Scripture that gives us a snapshot of what living for Jesus looks like. They had just heard the Word of God read and rejoiced, but in light of God’s Law, they have been reminded that they, their fathers and their children had broken and even forsaken the commandments of God.

From Nehemiah 9:5-38, we discover an amazing prayer that recounted Israel’s sin and God’s faithfulness to His people. And in Chapter 10, the people agree to the blessing and the curse that comes with a covenant relationship. They ended their agreement saying, “We will not neglect the house of our God.”

What an amazing lesson for us on how to pray. We can go to God with any and all our needs. We can go to God in praise and worship and be humbled in His presence. We can remind Him of all He has done and confess how much we have messed up. We can be committed to God’s Word, God’s will, and God’s house.



If you’d like to know more about how you can help change the world one mom at a time by beginning a M.O.M. Mentor Group, visit The M.O.M. Initiative at http://www.themominitiative.com/join-here/.

If you are interested in having me come speak at your next event, or share a message about mentoring, how you can begin a M.O.M. Mentor Group or one of my other speaking topics, please feel free to contact me by clicking this link.

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