Do you wonder if God wants to use you to speak hope and healing into the lives of other women? Have you sensed His call on your life to tell others about the goodness and the greatness of God?
We’ve all heard the expression, “I’d like to give you a piece of my mind”…well, today, I’d like to leave you with a piece of my heart about how important your voice and your story can be in the life of someone who may need to hear what only you can share.
As I began praying over what I was to share today, my heart kept landing on John 3:30 where John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” In fact, I love the way the Message Bible translates it…
“This is the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines.”
Recently, I was at a conference where I found myself standing in a room, speaking to a group of women who either have already been called or who were sensing that they might be called to be a voice for the Living God…women who will be given their own audience….their own mission field of souls in need of hope.
Woman who want to impact this generation of women for the glory of God. It is our own, “SUCH A TIME AS THIS” journey to make a difference.
We come from different backgrounds with unique stories of how God has saved us, changed us, delivered, comforted, protected, directed and corrected us. We all have those “BUT GOD” stories to share with the field of souls He gives us. Stories of where we’ve been…what God has delivered us from and what He’s carried us through. Life experiences where God’s loving hand intersected with our lives and set us on a completely different course.
I was the result of a rape…but God had a plan to place me with parents who would love me as their own.
From the time that I was 3 until I was 12, my innocence was stolen and my perception of love was skewed and shattered…BUT GOD brought healing and restoration to my confused, wounded, and wandering soul.
My journey has been one of loss, betrayal, feelings of inadequacy and insignificance, foolish choices, a desperate search for love…and the discovery of hope, healing, and redemption that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
You have a story too. A very unique story. One that will speak to women in ways my story couldn’t. One that will speak to women in ways that Beth Moore’s story, or Kay Arthur’s story, or Priscilla Shirer’s story, or Lysa Terkeurst’s story, or….whoever else you might think of’s story, will not…and can not.
And our mission is to deliver our stories…these life experiences He has allowed us to walk through… as tools in the hand of our Master to point people to His love, His grace, His mercy, His deliverance, His comfort, His peace, His protection, His redemption, and His salvation.
We all have BUT GOD stories to share with the field of souls God gives us, but as we make our way through this journey called life, it’s important that we never forget the mission of our field. To know Him and to make Him know. To be like John the Baptist… a voice that cries in the wilderness of this world…“prepare a way in your heart for the Lord.”
As women whom God has called to minister to the hearts of other women, we have to remember that our message can never replace THE MESSAGE. Our voice can never be louder than His. Our story can never supersede His story.
Our words can never replace HIS WORD! Our words may relate to where women are, but His WORD penetrates the heart and brings healing, hope, and faith to the soul.
Women who are called to speak are often passionate about making a difference in the lives of others.
But our passion can become our poison when our ministries and our own message somehow replace His message and somehow become a substitute for maintaining a vital, intimate and consistent relationship with the Living God.
I remember when I was a little girl, I was desperate for the starring role in the school play. But now I’m desperate for all eyes to be upon Him and that He alone gets the staring role of the stage of my life. That I never forget that the mission of my field is to give Him the leading role that He alone deserves.
I pray that to be true of each of you, as well!
Let’s Pray:
God, help us remember the mission of our field…that we are instruments in Your hands. Our stories are tools to be used to point people to You. We are vessels in need of constant filling so that we can be continually poured out for You…for Your glory, alone.
Like John the Baptist, we long to decrease that You might increase. We know we are not worthy to fasten your shoes, yet You call us Your friends.
May we be voices in the wilderness of this world and touch hearts in need…not with our message, but Yours! Use us Lord to turn this world upside down. Women who are growing in grace together…women who want to know You more and make You known. Please bring forth fruit from our lives…the fruit of redeemed souls and mended lives. We are Yours…fully and completely Yours.
What we impart, He instills.
Thank you so much for this post. Just today I was in tears as I read Facebook post after post about woman after woman meeting her goals for the year, growing in her walk with the Lord, hearing what God was laying on her heart, etc. and wondering what God was doing with me…feeling like God had put me in the naughty chair and forgotten in me in time out. I know he has called me to speak and to write for Him. But when? To whom? Where? I don’t know. But your post has encouraged me to trust Him for one more day.
I’m so glad the Lord used this to encourage you! The waiting room is the hardest place to be, but when He calls your name, and you know it, there is no turning back. I’m praying you see doors open and the Lord do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think!
Keep trusting Him through this. What we call ‘the wait’, God calls a necessary part of the journey.
This is the time to prayerfully write messages you hope to share, to tweak the ones you have and to meet with local women’s ministry leaders to find out how you can minister to the women in their congregations best.
Thank you so much for stopping by to share your comment and I look forward to hearing how the Lord leads you this coming year!
Please be sure to keep in touch! 🙂
Great reminder Stephanie!
Thanks Michelle! Hope you’re doing well!
Hi Stephanie,
So needed this today! Yet again, I am speaking at another MOPS group next week and am still wondering why and how this continues despite my book not being finished. Your prayer is so helpful. Though I still shake in my shoes, I need to remember that anything I say is God’s message and that He has words He wants each mom to hear. Though I am speaking and feel unworthy of the job, it helps to remember that He is center stage and I have nothing to fear.
Linda, I love seeing how God is using you! And feeling unworthy is a good thing. We really ALL are unworthy! Like you said…it helps us remember that He is center stage and that we have nothing to fear! Keep on keepin’ on for Jesus, sweet sister!
I love this post. I love your encouragement. And I love this warning: “But our passion can become our poison when our ministries and our own message somehow replace His message and somehow become a substitute for maintaining a vital, intimate and consistent relationship with the Living God.” So true.
And I love you my Yahweh Sister!
Thanks for popping over Rachel! One of my struggles in ministry is to get so busy doing the work of the ministry that it’s easy to substitute service for relationship.
Love you too and love watching how you minister to the hearts of women!
Great insight. Thanks
Thank you for these words…the reminder that my story matters whether it’s 1 that hears or 1 thousand. Blessings to you as you keep sharing The Message!!