When Balancing Ministry Means Saying No to the Important and Yes to What You Are Called To


I’ve been pretty M.I.A. on my website since the beginning of the year and I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to be with you sweet ladies lately!

The good news is, The M.O.M. Initiative is growing so fast and so big that it has kept me busy from wee hours in the morning until wee hours of the night.

The bad news is, I miss you like crazy!

I SO enjoy doing online Bible studies with you and talking about topics that meet us where we are in our journey as women.

But I hope you understand there are times we have to step back from what we know is important and press in to what we know we are called to.

Have you ever struggled with balancing life and ministry?

My time with you here is precious to me and extremely important. I’m called to serve women in the Word, so my battle is how to balance it all.

But as I look at what the Lord has been doing in my heart and in my life, I sense that God has called me to focus my energy and my attention on the ministries He has so clearly placed on my heart and in my lap…speaking, writing and The M.O.M. Initiative.

The time for all of that is quite consuming but worth every second.

The heart of The M.O.M. Initiative is to impact 1,000,000 moms for Christ through the power of missional mentoring. And it really is possible! If only 3 moms in 1/2 of the churches in the United States would mentor just 3 other mothers, that would translate into impacting over 1,000,000 moms for Christ and would result in over 2,500,000 children being influenced for Christ as a result.


Exciting to think about, isn’t it?

And I’m asking you to join me! I’m asking you who lead women’s ministries to join me in August as we launch M.O.M. Groups everywhere and begin reaching moms through the power of mentoring.


If you want to join me and The M.O.M. Initiative to reach moms for Christ in your community, please email me at stephanie@themominitiative.com for more information.

We’ll be using The Making of a Mom and you can pre-order it now! If you’re a mom, it will minister to you in the midst of motherhood. But it’s also a resource for the church with questions at the end of each chapter and planning guides in the back, it answers the 3 questions almost every mentor, ministry leader, and small group leader asks…

1. What will I say? (the questions at the end of each chapter serve as a catalyst for conversation)

2. What will I do? (the venue specific planning guides in the back of the book will give you the tools you need to mentor moms in your church, your home, and in your community)

3. What will I use? (The Making of a Mom is a dual purpose book written to reach moms who don’t know Christ and minister to the ones who already know Him)

I wish I could tell you all the ways God has confirmed this call along the way and how many doors He has opened! It has been amazing and I often feel like a fly on the wall of my own life.

But one of the ways is He led us to hold a conference before the book was even picked up by a publisher. The conference, BETTER TOGETHER, is scheduled for July 31st – August 2nd and after getting things underway for the conference, The Making of a Mom was picked up by Regal Publishers and is due out July 14th…RIGHT BEFORE THE CONFERENCE!

How GOD is that?! 🙂

Oh….and at BETTER TOGETHER, there are 19 speakers sharing 45 workshops at 1 conference for YOU!

Here are a few samples of some of the workshops:BetterTogether300x300 copy

  • Nothing too Broken
  • The God Who Sees You
  • Lord, Help My Marriage,
  • A Mother Like No Other (Single Moms)
  • When Motherhood Should Come with Instructions
  • Walking through Motherhood with My Special Needs Child
  • When Your Child Is in Prison or Dealing with Addictions
  • Fight for Your Family
  • The Mom Who Writes
  • Family First Aid
  • 7  Characteristics of an Effective Leader
  • Building a Top Notch Team
  • Godly Girlfriends
  • Discover Financial Freedom

And that’s just to name a few!

SOOO…I hope to see you at BETTER TOGETHER (click HERE to register)! And I hope you’ll join me in reaching moms for Christ! And I hope you’ll pre-order The Making of a Mom and begin mentoring moms…not only in your church, but in low income apartment complexes or neighborhoods, crisis pregnancy centers, juvenile shelters, homeless shelters, prisons, parks and the mission field.

AND…while I’ve stepped back from writing daily here on my site, my goal is to write 2 times a week. I just miss you too much and I love being in the Word with you!


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