I still believe it was something God was leading me to do. There were far too many God-prints along the way to deny it. And it happened. Well, sort of.
It became an unfamiliar reality. Something very different than I thought it was.
Perhaps I had missed a step along the way. Maybe I had some things to deal with in my life. Or could it be that it was just time to wait? But maybe…just maybe…what it was, was exactly all it was supposed to be.
It can be confusing and unexplainably confining. It’s like you desperately desire to step into a calling but you feel like something is preventing you from doing what you’re heart feels called to do.
We live in a world the beckons us to big, but sometimes God calls us to small. We long to step into our God-given calling now, but God says not just yet.
Have you every been there? Longing to do what you sincerely believe God is calling you to do but, for some unexplainable reason, you just feel stuck?
Today, I was reflecting on some of the places God has led, some of the doors He has open, and some of the doors He has shut.
And I have to admit, it’s the shut doors that are the hardest to take because they’re the most difficult to understand.
But God has a way of speaking peace to our restless and turbulent hearts.
To remind us that…
- It’s not about how big something is but how obedient we are.
- It’s not about it being what I think it should be, it’s about doing what God calls me to do every step of the way.
- It’s not about whether something is successful in this world’s estimation, but whether or not I do it with the right heart and the right motivation and step back and let God make it what He wants it to be.
- It’s not about if the door is open, it’s about whether or not it’s my door to walk through.
- It’s not always about our hearts desire, it’s sometimes about our willingness to step back from our own desires and make sure they align with God’s will.
So, here are some encouraging words in case you’re feeling stuck today:
Zechariah 4:10 tells us small things are beautiful beginnings to be embrace not despised.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”
In Acts 16:6-10, we find the story of God closing the door to Paul’s desires in order to meet the needs of someone God wanted Paul to reach.
“6 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit[a] did not permit them. 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.”
Remember, not every door is ours to walk through and not every need is ours to fulfill.
Perhaps right now, you feel stuck. Maybe you feel like God has hemmed you in. Maybe your heart aches to fulfill something you’ve tucked away for far too long.
I’m not sure where you are, what you’re going through, or what God is calling you to… but I do know God is faithful and whatever He calls you to, He will bring you to, and see you through.
If you feel like you’re on hold, hang on. Hold may just be where God wants you most. To draw closer to Him. To seek and see His face. To do the work in you that will prepare you for the work He wants to do through you.
I’m reminded that what we call the wait, God calls a necessary part of our journey.
Sometimes, we can focus on things so much that they become obstacles in the way of what God is calling us to do. Even if, for a season, that calling is to be still.
And today, in the midst of my wait…the place where I’ve been feeling stuck for 10 long years… YES…10 long years… in that place, the Lord whispered to my heart, “Don’t be so focused on what you want to do that you miss what you’re supposed to do.”
Oh…and by the way… in my own journey of “stuck” the Lord has shown me priceless lessons about who He is, about His character, and about His relentless love for me along the way.
And perhaps that’s part of the journey He doesn’t want to us to miss… and what we might miss if we focus on seeking what we can do for Him instead of just simply seeking Him.
Today, I choose to be content in the “hemmed in” place I now live as I draw closer to the One who is with me and for me every second of every day.
I hope that encourages you today. I would love to hear from you. Take a moment and share your story. I’m here for you cheering you on and ready to join you in prayer.
Eternally His,
Phil 3:7-14
Sweet friend…be encouraged, that He has been teaching me the same truths. What a blessing it has been to turn my eyes upon Jesus…eyes fully focused on Him and indeed the things of this world have become dim. Keep your delighted eyes and serving hands right where He wants them…you are shining like a star in the universe!
Matthew 6:33 comes to my mind so often. In this busy world it’s so easy to substitute serving God for knowing God. I’m so thankful for your words of encouragement and for the way you consistently shine for Him. You bless me more than you could ever know!