God’s name, Ancient of Days is found only 3 times in Scripture and all 3 references are written in Daniel 7.
The Holman Illustrated Dictionary defines this name to literally mean, “One advanced in (of) days” and may possibly mean, “one who forwards time or rules over it.”
It goes on to say, “the name suggests age, antiquity, dignity, endurance, judgment, and wisdom.”
The description in Daniel 7:9 is very similar to the description of Jesus Revelation 1:13-14. Daniel’s account is depicted in a dream. John’s account was given to him in a vision. Both are prophetic passages attributing the title Ancient of Days to Jesus. And both are a depiction of the Lord as Judge who ultimately sits on His throne as ultimate Judge over all of the earth.
I have to admit, sometimes, I get super frustrated at the craziness that is going on in this world. I certainly didn’t expect things to spiral out of control as fast as they have. But the Ancient of Days was not surprised.
People are calling right, wrong and wrong, right, and even common sense isn’t so common anymore. But the Ancient of Days was not surprised.
Today, our children are told to embrace as normal that which God calls sin. And what makes things so much worse is that the church of the Living God is embracing the same things. But the Ancient of Days was not surprised.
The name, Ancient of Days, that reminds us that He knows all and is in control of all. He always has been and always will be. That’s especially good to know in this world of chaos and uncertainty.
So, what do we do when the world has gone mad and even the church is more concerned about being culturally correct instead of biblically accurate?
- Rather than be surprised by what we see, we need to remember that Jesus told us it was going to be like this.
- Rather than feel frustrated and helpless, we should diligently pray.
- Rather than respond in anger, we should walk humbly with the Lord our God.
- Rather than responding to things with an attitude of condemnation, we respond with kindness and choose to love others with the love of Christ.
- Rather than counting them as a lost cause, we count the cost of reaching them with the Gospel of Christ and seeing them saved and serving Jesus.
- We live out our ultimate calling, which is to know Him and make Him known and trust God to do what He does…rule the world.
And finally, we rest in knowing that the Ancient of Days – the One who has existed forever, who knows all, and who is in control of all – is the ultimate Judge. He isn’t blind to what is happening in our world and He will make all things right one day. He will vindicate each and every one of His children.
And one day… the day of His own choosing… the Ancient of Days will make all things new as He rules and reigns over a new heavens and a new earth.
Until that time… be watchful and faithful and set your face like a flint to fulfill His purpose for you on earth.
- Praise Him for who He is. Ancient of Days…
- Thank Him for being the Ancient of Days.
- Repent of any disobedience to the Ancient of Days.
- And just take a few minutes to listen to this beautiful song. Allow yourself to bask in the beauty of knowing Abba and worship Him for who He is.
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All of the 3 mentions of the name, Ancient of Days, appear in the book of Daniel. However, the idea is conveyed in several other places in Scripture.
Examine each of the passages below where Ancient of Days is actually found, as well as where the concept is found in the Scripture references provided.
Where to find God’s name, Ancient of Days:
Where to find the concept expressed:
- Visit blueletterbible.org to find all of the passages that include the powerful name, Ancient of Days.
- Create a “Knowing God More” Journal. Write out what you learn & how God speaks to you.
- Write each name on a 3 X 5 and meditate on them throughout the day.
- Contemplate the significance of the name or title in context.
- How does that name or title relate to you?
- How can you honor Him more as ______________?
- In what areas have you seen Him be ______________ in your life?
- How can you pray to Him by this specific name or title?
- How can you pray His specific names or titles over your husband, your children or those you know and love?
- Use a Bible Dictionary and Commentaries to help deepen your level of understanding.
What did you know about the Ancient of Days before today? How has this helped you know Him more?
Thanks for joining me in this journey to know Him more!!! Please be sure to share any comments or questions you might have!
Eternally His,
Phil 3:7-14