Arm of the Lord

“Therefore say to the children of Israel: ‘I am the Lord; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.”
Exodus 6:6


Arm of the LORD is symbolic of the ultimate power and strength of the Lord.

It is a Messianic prophetic name for Christ, but it’s also a name that identifies the Lord as the One who fights our battles.

It’s also what is known as an anthropomorphic term in which God’s Word uses human anatomy to express a specific characteristic or action of God. 

It’s a vivid image of God fighting for His people, saving us, and delivering us by His Strong Arm.

It’s God’s personal and powerful interaction in the details of our lives and His response to our need to take on our battles as His own.


I was about 8 years old when I decided to dive into the deep end of the pool. I had taken swimming lessons about three years before that but I hadn’t been in a pool since.

Until that day.

I immediately began to go under and quickly realized I didn’t know how to swim. Not. One. Little. Bit.

Gasping for air and flailing around like a fish on the shore, I was hoping that someone would see me struggling and come save me from what would have been the literal death of my 8 year old self.

But everyone was too busy playing in the pool, focused on what they were doing, that they didn’t even notice what I was going through.

Just then I felt a strong arm curl up under my chest, pull me up where I could breathe again, and swim me safely to the side of the pool where I was able to get up and out on my own.

I don’t know who that strong arm belonged to. I never saw who it was that saved me. But he saw me, stretched his arm out to save me, and he delivered me from certain death.

Whatever you’re facing today, God is not too busy to notice your struggle. He sees you and is stretching out His strong arm to deliver you either in your circumstances or from them.

Call out to Him to be the Arm of the Lord who will deliver you now! 

It’s what He does because it’s who He is.


  • Praise Him for who He is. The Arm of the LORD
  • Repent of any disobedience to the Arm of the LORD.
  • And just take a few minutes to listen to this beautiful song. Allow yourself to bask in the beauty of knowing the Arm of the LORD and worship Him for who He is.

If you can’t view this in your reader, please click this link.


Go to and read through the various passages where we find the Arm of God, the Arm of the Lord, or His outstretched arm.

Go to and discover the verses where God is called The Arm of the Lord and where we find more biblical encounters where God showed up and delivered His people with His outstretched, strong arm.

Read this article by David S. Schrock that gives great insight to this amazing and powerful name of God.


    • Create a “Knowing God More” Journal. Write out what you learn & how God speaks to you.
    • Write each name on a 3 X 5 and meditate on them throughout the day.
    • Contemplate the significance of the name or title in context.
    • How does that name or title relate to you?
    • How can you honor Him more as ______________?
    • In what areas have you seen Him be ______________ in your life?
    • How can you pray to Him by this specific name or title?
    • How can you pray His specific names or titles over your husband, your children or those you know and love?
    • Use a Bible Dictionary and Commentaries to help deepen your level of understanding. 

What did you know about Abba before today? How has this helped you know Him more? 

Thanks for joining me in this journey to know Him more!!! Please be sure to share any comments or questions you might have! 

Eternally His,


Phil 3:7-14

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