“And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon,
and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
Luke 2:25 (NKJV)


Consolation of Israel is a name attributed to Jesus. It comes from the Greek word paraklēsis which means Consoler, Refreshers, Comforter of Israel.

Jesus, the Messiah was the Promised One who would come and make all things right for the children of God. He would rescue them from their oppressors, console and comfort them because of all they had been through, and He would refresh them with His power and His presence.

That’s what Simeon was waiting for in Luke 2:25. That’s is what Simeon experienced. And the Consolation of Israel is exactly what the children of Israel experienced and all who have looked for and placed their faith in Jesus as Lord.


Have you ever prayed for a breakthrough and then wondered why God wasn’t answering your cry for help? 

Maybe you’ve desperately pleaded with God to show up and deliver you out of something, save your loved one, heal your sick friend, or open that ministry door, but He didn’t answer you the way you thought He should or in the timeframe you thought He should answer you.

Waiting is one of the hardest parts of our Christian experience.

Simeon was waiting for God to show up. But he wasn’t the only one who had ever waited. Other’s before him had waited as well.

They looked for God to show up and and bring consolation, comfort, and a desperately needed refreshing from the Lord. But they didn’t see it in their lifetime. Simeon did.

Just because they didn’t see it happen didn’t mean that it wasn’t going to take place. It just didn’t happen when and how they thought it would.

Just because you don’t see God answering that desperate plea for help doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen. If you are praying in accordance to God’s will, He will answer the cry of your heart.

Hang on sweet friend! God’s answer is on the way. It may not show up when or how you think it should, but trust that it’s coming.

God’s silence doesn’t mean He is inactive. God is always at work behind the scenes of your life… weaving together every necessary circumstance to bring your consolation, your comfort, and your refreshing at just the right time and just the right way.

Jesus showed up as the Consolation of Israel. He will show up as your Consolation too!


  • Praise Him for who He is the Consolation of Israel. 
  • Thank Him for being the Consolation of Israel and call upon Him to be the Consolation of your life. 
  • Confess and repent of any disobedience to or disregard of Consolation of Israel.
  • And just take a few minutes to listen to this beautiful song. Allow yourself to bask in the beauty of knowing the Consolation of Israel and worship Him for who He is.

If you can’t view this in your reader, please click this link.


    • Create a “Knowing God More” Journal. Write out what you learn & how God speaks to you.
    • Write each name on a 3 X 5 and meditate on them throughout the day.
    • Contemplate the significance of the name or title in context.
    • How does that name or title relate to you?
    • How can you honor Him more as ______________?
    • In what areas have you seen Him be ______________ in your life?
    • How can you pray to Him by this specific name or title?
    • How can you pray His specific names or titles over your husband, your children or those you know and love?
    • Use a Bible Dictionary and Commentaries to help deepen your level of understanding. 

What did you know about the Consolation of Israel before today? How has this helped you know Him more? 

Thanks for joining me in this journey to know Him more!!! Please be sure to share any comments or questions you might have! 

Eternally His,


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