Elf is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I watch 3 or 4 times every year as Christmas approaches.
In one scene, Elf is in the department store and the manager announces that Santa is coming. Elf responds with euphoric, childlike elation as he exclaims, “Santaaaaa!!!! Santa’s here?! I know Him!!!!”
His excitement is beautiful and contagious.
I can’t help but think, shouldn’t that be the way we respond to when we hear Jesus’ name and when we contemplate Christmas… shouldn’t we be like, “JESUS!!!! Jesus came! I know Him!!!!”?
This CHRISTmas season as hear the name of Jesus, be careful not to allow your familiarity with Him cause you to respond with less excitement and less wonderment. Let your zeal for Christ be contagious.
If you don’t know Him, you can. It’s why He came…so you and I could know Him.
Simply trust that what He did on the cross was for you… to pay for your sins. And then surrender your life to Him. It’s really just as easy as giving your life to the One who gave His life for you.
And then, you too, will exclaim… “Jesus!!! I know Him!!!”