As you enter December and look to the finish line of 2022, it’s time to ask yourself an important question…
Are you a “cool down” or “2nd wind” kind of Christian?
It’s a decision we have to make whether consciously or not.
We’re either going to take a “cool down” lap to the end of 2022 or we’re going to take a deep breath, dig deep for a 2nd wind and sprint hard to the finish line.
The thing is…both finish the race but only one gives it all she’s got to the end and finishes strong.
To be honest, I’ve done the cool-down lap year end thing before and it always leaves me frustrated that I didn’t finish strong when I knew I could have. Not like some kind of pressure thing, but because I love Jesus and want to know Him and His Word more – and because I want to serve Him well and finish this race He’s given me strong.
So this year, I’m choosing to be a 2nd wind, finish strong kind of Christian this year… And I’m inviting you to join me!
In just 2 days, you can dig deep with me and a dozen plus other teachers in a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s epistle to Titus.
It’s a powerful conference you don’t want to miss! Katie Orr is a Bible teacher and the founder of the Bible Study Hub and she has organized and is the host of this, and all the Bible Study Hub studies!
This is a 3 day online conference that’s packed with practical, helpful workshops and verse-by-verse deep dive teaching through the book of Titus.
I’m also super excited that I have the privilege of teaching Titus 2:1-6 – a passage near and dear to my heart and the foundation for The MOM Initiative.
Here’s the when, where and how much?
- When: December 1-3, 2022
- Where: Online. You can wear your jammies and join from wherever you are.
- How Much: Tickets are just $49! (Cost goes up to $59 after November 30th!)
CLICK ON THIS LINK and finish 2022 strong with me and women from across the globe as we dig deep in the book of Titus together!

Oh… and if you’re a mom, mentor or ministry leader or you know someone who is, I wanted to let you know that The Making of a Mom is FREE on Kindle Unlimited and only $10.82 in paperback. Pop over and get your free copy today!