Have You Normalized Lying?

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Sometimes, the jobs we take or the career paths we’re on seem to come with a compulsory expectation to lie. Maybe, like me, you’ve seen it played out in politics, business environments, advertising and sales… and many other areas of life.

But I’ve also seen it played out in ministry.
• Pastors and Bible teachers asserting that the Lord told them something He didn’t say.
• Speakers exaggerating stories or completely making them up to pull on people’s heart-strings or to make a point.
• Missionaries feeling the need to inflate numbers and needs for the sake of appeasing supporting churches.

It can help if we look at lying through the lens of Scripture and determine 3 important things…

  1. Why is it that people lie?
  2. What’s the Bible say about lying?
  3. Is it ever okay to lie?

In our latest episode, we answer the above 3 questions and hope it helps those who struggle with the normalizing of lying or those who have been hurt by lies.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already and we’d love for you to engage and share your thoughts, experience, words of wisdom or prayer requests.

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