Category: God’s Promises for You
What You Can Trust to be True When the Fight Is Real & the Battle Is Hard
For the one whose heart is hard
Christ Our Passover
Christ Jesus
Captain of Salvation
Because of the cross, Jesus can rightfully intercede for us in the judicial sense guaranteeing that the binding contract (covenant) we have with Him can not be broken regardless of what we do.
And in a relational sense, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit stand with us, beside us, intercedes for us, and helps us.
Just Do These 3 Things
What You Can Trust to be True When the Fight Is Real & the Battle Is Hard
For the one whose heart is hard
Christ Our Passover
Christ Jesus
Captain of Salvation

Because of the cross, Jesus can rightfully intercede for us in the judicial sense guaranteeing that the binding contract (covenant) we have with Him can not be broken regardless of what we do.
And in a relational sense, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit stand with us, beside us, intercedes for us, and helps us.