WOWed by Christ!
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him." 1 John 3:1
Need Hope?
A Question Everyone Must Answer
Are You a “Far Off” or “Near in the Thick Darkness” Kind of Believer?
Launch of a New FB Group to Pray for Lost Loved Ones
A New Devotional for Overwhelmed Moms & an Invite to a FB Live in August!
Is it me or is everyone way too offended these days?
If God is all powerful, why is there evil in the world?
Recently, we looked at some of the reasons why people renounce their faith. Unfortunately, it’s often because they have legitimate questions for which they can’t find answers and instead of seeking those answers in the right places, they pull back and they pull away from any thread of faith they may have…
Why Do People Renounce Their Faith?
His name is Jon Steingard. He’s the lead singer of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson and the latest high profile “Christian” to renounce his faith. It happens far too often and for a wide variety of reasons- but ultimately – one of the foundational reasons is because they have legitimate questions…
When You Don’t Know Where to Start Reading the Bible…
12 Preparation Tips for Bible Study Teachers and Speakers
Encouraging your heart today...
Never allow your service for God to become a substitute for your relationship with God.
Press in. Press on. And live from the overflow of a surrendered life.