Tag: Faith
If God is all powerful, why is there evil in the world?
Recently, we looked at some of the reasons why people renounce their faith. Unfortunately, it’s often because they have legitimate questions for which they can’t find answers and instead of seeking those answers in the right places, they pull back and they pull away from any thread of faith they may have…
When You Don’t Know Where to Start Reading the Bible…
A Call to Repentance
When I’m Afraid…
“And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.”Matthew 23:10 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Christ is our English translation from the Greek word Christos meaning Anointed One. It is found over 560 times in the New Testament and is used as an epithet (descriptive destination) in conjunction…
Chief Shepherd
“…and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.1 Peter 5:4 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Chief Shepherd comes from the Greek word, Archipoimenos, which means Jesus is the Preeminent Shepherd. The Supreme, Unrivaled Carer of His Sheep. Jesus is our Shepherd,…
Chief Cornerstone
“This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.”Acts 4:11 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Chief Cornerstone is a name that is both prophetically used for, and specifically designated to Jesus. It literally means, head of the cornerstone or principle and primary foundational stone…
Just Do These 3 Things
If God is all powerful, why is there evil in the world?

Recently, we looked at some of the reasons why people renounce their faith. Unfortunately, it’s often because they have legitimate questions for which they can’t find answers and instead of seeking those answers in the right places, they pull back and they pull away from any thread of faith they may have…
When You Don’t Know Where to Start Reading the Bible…
A Call to Repentance
When I’m Afraid…

“And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.”Matthew 23:10 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Christ is our English translation from the Greek word Christos meaning Anointed One. It is found over 560 times in the New Testament and is used as an epithet (descriptive destination) in conjunction…
Chief Shepherd

“…and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.1 Peter 5:4 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Chief Shepherd comes from the Greek word, Archipoimenos, which means Jesus is the Preeminent Shepherd. The Supreme, Unrivaled Carer of His Sheep. Jesus is our Shepherd,…
Chief Cornerstone

“This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.”Acts 4:11 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Chief Cornerstone is a name that is both prophetically used for, and specifically designated to Jesus. It literally means, head of the cornerstone or principle and primary foundational stone…