Top 20 Blogs for Women

I’m so excited to annouce the Top 20 Blogs for Women! There was a GREAT response from women everywhere who nominated their own personal favorites and I can’t tell you how encouraged I have been by the diversity of blogs out there to minister to women in different arenas and seasons of life! I wish i could list just about every one of them, but I limited it to 20…so I need to stick with that for now. Many are listed as “FAVS” because they offer resources that help women in this journey called life, so I hope you’ll check them out and see what they have to offer. It may be just what you need!

Now I have a job for each of you. If you find your blog on my page and you would like to include a short little ditty about your blog under the link, please email your info to me at If you know someone who has a link here, please contact them and tell them how they can tell us a little more about their blogs my emailing the information for their sites.

By the way…my list is in no particular order. Just random blogness that I hope will encourage you!

My passion is to press through all the craziness that surrounds us everyday, to plug into God and then turn around and share with my son all that God is and why we live to honor Him. I want to share this passion with you too! I struggle everyday with this because of all the pressures and demands of everyday life and because of the simple fact that I am human and therefore, not perfect (umm, GULP! Did I just write that for the whole world to see?!!?). I do not have all the answers but I know the One who does! I am daily learning that I have to rely on Him to be the woman and mom He wants me to be in order to bring Him glory. In the pages of my blog, I simply desire to share with you what I am learning about God and what He desires of us as mommies and to equip you to be able to impact your children for His glory.

2. Sheila Wray Gregoire
To Love, Honor and Vacuum: For all those women who feel more like maids than wives and mothers! Updated daily, this blog delves into the nitty gritty of our lives, tackling housework, chores, the media, parenting, marriage, and more, looking at ways we can make God real in our lives—even if we’re folding underwear! Every Wednesday is Wifey Wednesday, where we tackle marriage (and often sex!). Come on over and link up your marriage posts on Wednesdays in the Linky!

Lisa shares what can happen when an ordinary life intersects with an extraordinary God. Glad Chatter is a place where the average life can take on super powers when controlled by the God of the universe. Lisa loves her life, her husband, her four young children and mostly her God and she loves sharing it all with you. Currently, her ordinary life involves fighting cancer.

4. Dawn Camp
As the tagline says, My Home Sweet Home is decorated with family, faith, and Photoshop. I am a Christian homeschooling mother-of-8; Photoshop and Lightroom enthusiast; photographer; Southerner; web designer; and “evangelist” for NAPP (the National Association of Photoshop Professionals) for my demographic of stay-at-home moms, bloggers, designers, digital scrappers, and homeschoolers. Popular topics include photography, homeschooling, and parenting. I also write for (in)courage, The Homeschool Post, Blissfully Domestic, and The Heart of the Matter online.

Life’s a Dance. Each day holds a new adventure and on this blog, Jennifer attempts to look at life with transparency and laughter. A mommy with a busy home life and career, posts range from work/life balance to parenting to her honest challenges with being the woman God created her to be. You can follow Jennifer on Twitter at

6. Ree Drummond

7. – Mary DeMuth
Relevantblog is where author and speaker Mary DeMuth gives authentic, raw snapshots of her heart, her desire to follow Jesus. She helps readers and listeners turn their trials into triumph. After the release of her memoir, Thin Places, Mary’s shifted directions to help folks find healing from their pasts.

Kathy Howard encourages women to pursue Christ with passion and purpose by openly sharing her own spiritual journey. She challenges them to fully yield their hearts and lives to God so they can experience everything He wants to give them. Kathy’s transparent style of writing and speaking puts women at ease. Her site includes lots of free discipleship tools and leader resources.

Kathi Lipp’s Project Blog is all about those little projects that make life worth living. From your relationship with your husband to planting a salsa garden to going deeper in your time with God, if it’s important to your life, we’ve got a project for you!

As much I love to nurture my “nest,” I’ve gone around the globe to learn this world is not my home. My earthly home is hared by my hubby and 2 children, and we’ve enjoyed the adventure of pastoral & missions ministry together for 20 yrs of marriage. I’m a coffee drinking, herb growing, history loving, bread baking kind of gal who resists ironing but loves getting caught up in God’s Word. Showing how real life displays God truth & how His truth changes real life is my joy & the heart of my blog. Every Monday I focus on the miracle & mystery of two becoming one in “Marriage Mondays.” I can’t help loving to alliterate, & my kids would confess I also love to rhyme. It is my joy to use words to share God’s truth & extend His invitation to a worn out, confused, & anxious world … “Come, have a peace.”

Kristi Stephens is a wife and mom of little ones who loves the Lord Jesus! Kristi has been equipped and called to teach women the Word of God – she loves to teach Bible studies in her local church, in her living room, and would love for you to join the journey from her “virtual living room” and run in the path of His commands together! His Word is rich, our God is awesome, and connecting with sisters in Christ along the way refreshes our souls.

12. Karyn Brownlee
Encouraging brighter minds, brighter steps and brighter reflections of God. is the hub of the teaching ministry of Karyn Brownlee, a former public school administrator turned Christian communicator, called by God out of the schoolhouse into America’s classroom to promote God’s heavenly curriculum. Karyn writes cultural commentary, examining today’s headlines through a biblical lens. She also writes Christian reflections. Karyn is a Bible teacher and inspirational speaker for women who lives with her family in the great state of Texas.

13. Amy Waddell

Devotionals from the heart to offer hope, encouragement, inspiration, and impart insights from the Word of God.




Pleasing to You: Teri Lynne is “just a girl” … wife to an amazing man, mother of a beautiful daughter, and follower of the Risen Lord. In between laundry, volunteering at the crisis pregnancy center, and watching the world go by, she writes at Pleasing to You about everything from lessons learned from moldy shower curtains to the beauty of knowing our identities rest in Christ. She’s learning lessons about giving up good things to live in God’s best and enjoys sharing the journey of life with friends – both inside and outside her computer. You can find her tweeting@TeriLynneU and on Facebook. And she’s got a Blog Frog community where she likes to ask questions.


20. Sarah Mae
Like a Warm Cup of Coffee is a place where you can curl and begin your day as you seek to find the eternal value in who you are and in all you do. The gal behind LWCC is Sarah Mae, a Jesus-follower, wife, mother, homeschool teacher, home-keeper, blog-writer, wild blue dreamer, and Java-hugger.
She also writes for the DaySpring website, (in)courage, as well as the soon-to-be launched Raising Homemakers site. She is Co-host of the Relevant Conference and founder of

On your mark, get set, go! Find out which one is your favorite and let me know why. If you know of another great blog for women, please share it with the rest of us! Can’t wait to hear from you!


  1. Wow, super cool to be on the list…along with so many of my friends and awesome women!

    Thanks for taking the time to put this together! 🙂

  2. Wow!! Such a blessing and such awesome company to be in! Thank you so much for includig me on the list!!!
    Blessings to you!

  3. Awesome! Thanks so much! Yes, what great company! Bless you!

  4. what a great list, Stephanie. Very cool of you to put it together!

  5. I'm honored and overwhelmed to be listed with so many of the women I deeply admire. Thank you for including me.

  6. Thanks for including me, too, Stephanie! It's amazing how many of these I already read. I guess great minds think alike!

    Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum

  7. Hi there. I just “discovered” your blog through Kathi Lipp (on Facebook). And I noticed that you've got another writer friend, Kathy Howard, on your list; and Lynn Mosher and I are also blogging friends. I just became acquainted with Mary DeMuth … reading one of her books right now.

    So I think I'd like to follow YOUR blog because you obviously have wisdom and great taste! I'm going to check out some of those other ladies' blogs you listed, too.
    Just clicked to follow you on Twitter, too.
    Blessings to you, Stephanie!

  8. I really needed a pick-me-up today. What a pleasant surprise to find myself on this list. Thank you!

  9. Very nice list 🙂

  10. A fabulous list of FABULOUS women!!

  11. Thank you so much for including me on this list, Stephanie!! What an honor and encouragement – these are some amazing friends and bloggers to be listed with! 🙂

  12. What a wonderful and encouraging surprise, Stephanie. Thank you for including me in this list of gals I would love to sit and have coffee and pray with. Such a great benefit of blogging with purpose … finding faith friendships along the way. You just encouraged me today!

  13. To all of you Top 20's who have commented…I just want to say I really loved researching your blogs and checking out how much you each have to offer women. I was also impressed by what you all do for others. You are all definitely “Leading Ladies” who have graced cyberspace with your heart for others and I feel very blessed to promote you all …even if it's only from my own little corner of the internet world.

    Blessings on each of you beautiful women!

  14. wordwrangler (Donna),
    Aren't there some wonderful blog out there! Your's is definitely one of them! You inspire me, my friend and I'm thankful for your encouraging words.
    Eternally His,
    Phil 3:7-14

  15. Dawn Wilson,
    You have just encourage me beyond words! And don't you just love Kathi, Kathy and Lynn! There really are some great blogs out there. I loved researching them and seeing their hearts to minister to others on every page.

    I hopped on over to your page too. Loved it. Really loved the verse you used in your banner! I'm now a subscriber, as well! I really love how cyberspace has expanded our prayer and ministry boarders. I look forward to reading your posts.

  16. Kristine & Myra,
    I had such a great time researching these ladies blogs. I pray they will be a blessing to you both!

    Thanks for popping in and visiting. I hope you'll come back again soon.

  17. Hi Stephanie,

    What a wonderful surprise. It wasn't that long ago that I was wondering if blogging was a good outlet for me. Thank you for encouraging all of us on this wonderful adventure of sharing.

  18. I just saw this–What an honor to be on that list! A wonderful group of ladies and dear friends. Thanks so much Stephanie!

  19. What an awesome blog you have!!! I simply cannot wait to explore! And what an honor to be included here. you have blessed me tonight, Stephanie!

    love, lisa xoxo

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