Just Do It

My attempts at vlogging were…shall we say…less than successful. I have to admit I was disappointed because I wanted to share my heart with you about my book. I know I could write it, but I want you to hear my heart, not just read it. Unfortunately, I remain technologically challenged, so I’ll have to wait on the vlog.

Instead, I’d like to encourage those of you who are toying with the idea of writing to just do it. Write whatever is on your heart. Write what you’re passionate about. Write to encourage others, to make a point, to make a difference…but write.

To be honest with you, I didn’t start writing with a book in mind. I just sensed God leading me to write and so I did. I thought it might end up being something I’d speak on at a conference or perhaps worksheets for something I would teach. But a book? Not even on my radar.

I wanted to share this with you because it’s important to do what we sense God is leading us to do even if it doesn’t make sense. Your obedience to God may take you on a journey you never expected and better than you ever dreamed. Our view is so finite; our view of ourselves is often small. But God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think.

On my own, I can accomplish nothing; through Christ, there’s nothing I can’t accomplish. The same is true for you.

So, I want to encourage you to do that which God is leading you to do today. You may be surprised how He wants to use you tomorrow…and every step of obedience is necessary to get you to that place. So, whether it’s writing or anything else…no more excuses…just do it!

What do you sense God leading you to do that you’ve been putting off?


  1. Yes. I've been struggling for almost a year with NOT doing something good that God has told me to stop doing — a volunteer position in my church. I hate quitting anything once I start it.

    And it took 3 years for me to be happy and at peace with a ministry God has dropped in my lap.

    Am I an upside-down-mixed-up somebody or what?

    Grace & Peace,

  2. Hi Jean,
    What an awesome twist of just doing what God told you to do…even it it's to “STOP” doing something!

    I'm so glad you shared that!! It made my heart smile! 🙂

    Thanks so much for stopping in and sharing that. And by the way, we're all upside-down-mixed-up somebodies. That's why we need Jesus! 🙂

    Eternally His,
    Phil 3:7-14

  3. Stephanie,
    What a great post! Besides having to slow down so I can hear God's whisper, obedience and trust are two other words that keep echoing in my mind and heart. Just recently I have started putting my words to paper (keyboard) and I am unsure if anything will ever come of it, but I sure am having a blast with it all! (and meeting a great bunch of people in blogger world!)

    Thanks again for your blog entry (and your other entries…I spent over an hour reading your other entries today. You are a blessing!)

  4. Hi Kim,
    I went to your blog and loved it. I see you are going to She Speaks too. I look forward to meeting you there!! I hope we'll be able to spot each other out amongst the plethora of ladies.

    I also see you are a breast cancer survivor. I don't know if your read my blog about my moms, but my mom is in the last stages of a strange kind of lung cancer and my birth mom is battling breast cancer. I'm so glad to hear of your personal victory over it. Praying that will be true for the moms in my life.

    I also want you to know you encouraged my heart tremendously today! You are the blessing, my dear!

  5. God had been dealing with me (slapping me in the face, actually) about getting my doctorate degree for 2-3 years before I finally obeyed. It's so cool how EVERYTHING has fallen into place with it, even the financing. We did not want to incur debt for my degree but don't have extra money. So far, every dime has been paid for. My God is faithful. I have no idea where this will lead, but I am going where He takes me! It's going to be an amazing journey!

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