My backstory isn’t a pretty one. In fact, I didn’t even begin life as an sweet little planned bundle of joy. My mom was raped and I was the result.
I was adopted by two wonderful parents who loved me and raised me as their own. But from the age of 3 until about the age of 12 my concept of love became skewed and shattered as I was repeatedly molested and raped by two different people in my family.
I was pregnant at 17. Then married. Divorced and a single mom at 19. I spent the next five years looking for love in all the wrong places – which is exactly where I met my husband – in a bar. He was the drummer in the band and our lifestyle was a reflection of the whole rock and roll band scene. Not a pretty picture. But then again, no picture is pretty without God in the middle of it.
Sitting in my apartment one afternoon, I watched a tele -evangelist share a message I had never really heard before. Or maybe I had, but this time it began to make sense. I wanted what he talked about. Salvation. Eternal life. A real relationship with Jesus. But I also wanted my life to remain mine. And so it did. Even though I cried, prayed and thought I was saved, my life remained my own and I remained unchanged.
But about two years later, at the age of 24 I was ready. Ready to surrender all I was for all Jesus is. I knew He was the only one who could save my wretched self, and this time, I was not only ready – but I was willing.
Please click over to Scripture Dig as I share the rest of my testimony. What a sweet reminder of a painful past that ended happily ever after…
Steph, your story is powerful. Your testimony has touched the lives of many people, and will continue to minister to many more. God bless you.
Barbara ~ You are always such a sweet encourager. May we use every “but God” story for His Glory! 🙂
Powerful story. I can see that your blog will be a great resource. Do you not have a follow gadget? wb
Thanks for sharing, Stephanie. God did do a miracle in your life…I'm a witness to it! You're a huge inspiration to me a whole lot of other people! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your story… and for befriending me via Facebook. =) I love the book of Ecclesiastes… so I'm very interested in checking out your book! – Kind Regards