The other night we gathered together for our first small group meeting of the new semester. It was a beautiful thing to see so many women excited about knowing God more; anxious to know His Word more; and thrilled about knowing each other more!
There really ain’t nothin’ like girlfriends getting together sharing a cup of coffee and talking Jesus! You ladies know that rocks my Bible study world!
We weren’t meant to do this thing alone, sweet friends!
So, there we were, in the midst of our introductory group night when someone mentioned how important a hug is. That someone was my birthmom! Most of you know my backstory, but for those of you who don’t, here’s a quick snippet!
My birthmom was raped and I was the result. Although my childhood was riddled with a decade of sexual abuse by two different family members, I still had two wonderful and loving parents and I’m so uber thankful my birthmom chose life for me!
I met my birthmom when I was about about 27 and found out she’s a believer! We’ve been connected ever since.
So – back to small groups…
“Sometimes, people just need a hug. You never know how much good a hug can do!”
As soon as she said that, my mind raced to one of my alltime favorite movies, “The Parent Trap”. You know the scene where Chessy, the housekeeper, is standing there with Annie right after she revealed her true identity.
Annie’s dad walks in and Chessy is longingly and lovingly looking at Annie and as she makes excuses for her silly behavior, she overflows with the words, “Can I hug her?!”
There’s just something comforting and assuring about a good hug, isn’t there!
Today, you may be very busy and your to-do list lingers long beyond the time you have to complete it, BUT please don’t miss the opportunities to extend the love of God in the act of a simple, but sincere hug!
Perhaps you’re the one who stands in need of a little extension of grace in the form of an embrace. If that’s true, reach out and hug a friend. Arms wrap both ways and hugs work in unison. Giving and receiving happen simultaneously when you choose to give a hug!
Giving you the biggest cyberspace hug I can, sweet friends! You are SO uber loved! 🙂
Thanks for the hug, sweetie! Oh, I wish I was close enough to give you a real hug! I had to look up who you were talking about. I didn't realize they had changed the characters names from the original. Since I can't stick in a hug image here, this is the best I can do…
\…..0……/ (if you can tell that's a hug! LOL)