Happy day after Labor Day, friend! I enjoyed going to the beach with my man yesterday and watching him surf. I really do love watching him zip through those waves like he’s 20 again! It always puts a smile on his face and a smile on my heart!
I owe some of y’all an apology. I sent my post out yesterday without the video link for those of you who receive it through a feed. You girls must have been wondering what I was thinking!
Well, here’s the Hope for the Hurting Heart link for you. Please be sure to click on it and know that one of God’s promises to our hurting and needy hearts is His hope!
Today, I’m over at Scripture Dig talking Peace from Proverbs and I hope you’ll click over there and join the conversation. Girls, this concept of peace is threaded throughout the Word of God. Peace with God, the peace of God and peace with one another.
You can click here and pop over to Scripture Dig.
Love you girls like crazy! 🙂