Return to Me

“I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 44:22

As I was seeking the Lord for today’s post, I was drawn to this beautiful beckon from the Lord. He does not leave us to continue wandering from the wonder of who He is. He continually calls us back to Himself.

Today, I sensed that this was something I must write. Perhaps someone reading this needs to hear that God sees you. He has not lost sight of you. You have never left His heart or His view. No matter how far you have wandered from His side, He wants you back.

Maybe you have left His presence in lieu of a love that can never fill your heart. Have you chosen the love of a man over the love of God? You know He is not the type of man God would bless you with, yet you’re so desperate for love that you are willing to not only settle for much less than God’s best, but to chose your relationship with him over your fellowship with God.

Perhaps your wandering heart has been in hot pursuit of fame, fortune, power or prestige. Maybe you’re too busy, too overwhelmed, too distracted for God to be the object of your affection – the One you live to know more. Or maybe you aren’t even sure what lure your chasing, but you know you are far from precious presence of God and the sweet fellowship you have known before.

Today, sweet sister, He is calling you back. Like the prodigal son, your Heavenly Father will run to you with His arms wide open if you will just begin your journey back to Him

In Isaiah 44:22, the Lord reminds His people that He has completely forgiven them – He beckons them to return to Himself.

As you read this post, maybe you hear the Lord tugging at your heart – “Return to Me.” I want to encourage you to do just that. There is absolutely nothing out there that is better than sweet fellowship with our precious Savior.

Don’t delay sweet sister. He stands there with His arms wide open ready to welcome every prodigal home.

Maybe you know someone who is wandering in the wilderness of their own desires. Pray earnestly for their soon return. He is a loving Father who longs for them to long for Him once again. So press on in prayer until they run into His loving arms.

Has today’s post spoken to your heart? Do you need to run back to God? Do you need to pray for someone who does?

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  2. Steph,

    I am just now seeing this. I am sure this was for many people..but I know it is for me..I am in tears now and cannot later??


    Dolores E. Green

  3. Dolores,

    I'm SO thankful the Lord used this! He knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need to hear it… and will show it to us even through a few words posted in cyberspace! Don't you just love how He loves us! 🙂

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