Hi sweet ladies! Before we get started with today’s Word from the Word , I’m excited to announce the winner of my Bible study… drum roll please… Jeanette Wade! A big CONGRATS to you, Jeanette!
Well, here we are on day two of our series, Broken No More, and I’m so excited about taking this journey with you. It’s a journey just about all of us need to take periodically even if we’ve got this ‘identity’ thing down. And for those who are struggling with what it looks like to walk in victory, learning to walk in who you are is a journey you desperately need to take. And I pray this will help you not only move past who you were, but also help you discover the real you in the process.
Today, we are going to begin to peel back the layers of our identity in Christ as we get a bit of a doctrinal foundation on our identity. This is good stuff, girls! It’s the stuff we’re made of…and it’s all because of Jesus. So, come on and let’s do this thing together!
We’ve all been broken. We all have pain, heart aches and scars on our hearts. But the pain of our past can hold us captive to a rearview mirror look at our life and when we’re looking back, we can’t move forward.
Recently my hubby and I watched a show where some men were holding a group of people hostage with toy guns. The people weren’t really hostages. They had been duped. They believed a lie and remained in captivity because they didn’t realize that the whole hostage thing was a farce.
The enemy is duping God’s children into believing they’re still held hostage to a past that Christ has set them free from.
OUR PAST can no longer BE AN EXCUSE that limits us. OUR WEAKNESSES can no longer PREVENT US FROM FULFILLING GOD’S WILL. OUR FEARS now only have the POWER TO PARALYZE US if we allow them to.
Positionally speaking, at the time of salvation, we are complete in Christ. We are just as pure and righteous as Jesus because we are “in” Christ. But Practically speaking, we’ve got a lot of learning to do about how to walk in who we are now. (We’ll talk about that Friday.)
Our identity in Christ is instant. Learning to walk in our new identity takes a life time.
Will you take a few minutes to watch the video below and then read the rest of today’s post? (Please forgive the slight humming in the background…I had to use my old computer and it does that for some reason.)
Also, below, you’ll find some verses that help not only give you a glimpse of why you are no longer who you were, but it will also help you see the contrast between who you were and who you are now.
(If you’re receiving this in your inbox and can’t see the video please click here.)
There are SO many verses that lay the foundation for the new life Jesus gives us. One that frees us from who we were and identifies us as who we are… IN CHRIST. Here are just a few:
We can’t be as effective for the cause of Christ as we should be if we don’t really know who we are or if we’re still held captive to who we were. Don’t you know the enemy is on an all out assault to kill, steal and destroy, and if we don’t walk in who we are, we won’t gain ground for Christ like we should. We’ll be rendered ineffective.
Sisters, it’s pretty hard to move forward if we’re always looking in the rearview mirror of our lives.
It’s time to know who we are now because of Jesus! It’s also time to know who we are NOT because of Jesus. You may have been broken, precious one, but if you’ve been born again, you are BROKEN NO MORE!
Oh…and I found this OLD song that had just come out about the same time that I was saved. It’s called The Old Man Is Dead. Please take a minute and listen to it. And then look up Galatians 2:20.
What verse really spoke to your heart today? What is it that has kept you in bondage to who you were? What are you hoping to gain through this time together? How can I pray for you as we take this journey together?