Where I’ve Been Lately

Hey sweet friends! Life is busy, isn’t it? 

Sometimes I wonder what happened to the days when we were able to hang out with our friends and enjoy a casual conversation without cell phones ringing, text messages buzzing in and Facebook posts dinging into every conversation.

But the blessings of all things tech is that we can reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that weren’t possible ten years ago. 

The world wide web has made it possible for us to reach the world for Christ and teach the world the principles and precepts of the Word of God like never before…to minister to the hearts of the hurting, to encourage those how are struggling, to reach out to those who are wandering…this is a brand new age of making an impact on this world for Christ and I’m so thankful for it all!

So, today, I wanted to share with you some doors the Lord has opened to allow me the opportunity to minister to others.

Recently, I was at Encouragement Cafe, sharing a post to minister to the hearts of moms who are experiencing the transition years of the EMPTY NEST with an article entitled, Created to Soar. (I’d be honored if you’d pop over there and share your heart in the comment section!)

Today, I’m over at Mom Life Today sharing an article about how to deal with things When Life Is Hard and Hormones Rage.

For the past several months, I’ve been working on DAD WEEK AT THE M.O.M. INITIATIVE and the Lord has blessed us with a line up of pastors, authors, speakers, and dads who are bravely entering into our world of women where we talk about all things MOM and these men are sharing some amazing articles that share a fathers heart and are challenging, encouraging and powerful posts for dads and moms, alike!

Please take a minute and pop over there and leave some comment love to let them know how appreciative we are for their words of wisdom in our M.O.M. world!


I’m raising the sponsorship funds for the ladies who will be attending the conference and my goal is $2,000. If you’d be interested in sponsoring a woman for the conference, please email me and I can give you the details of how you can give a tax deductible contribution through Hear 2 There Ministries.

Oh…I’ve also been working on some other video, writing and ministry projects I can’t wait to share with you!

But for now, I want to thank you for joining this journey with me! You ladies are precious to me and I appreciate each of you!

I covet your prayers, sweet friends! Ministry can be daunting and the enemy is real. Your prayers truly make all the difference in the world! 

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