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Today’s the day we begin our journey in the Word together. We’ve all been inundated with whispers, shouts, loud and strong, deep childhood beliefs holding strong to our hearts. Some true, some not. All rustling through our minds wrestling for the throne to rule what we believe.
Just yesterday the phone rang. Hello and then a pause. A friendly voice bounced back, Hi, my name is Amanda…, the voice on the other side continued with what I thought was a conversation. Me, adding an occasional uh-ha. She seemingly acknowledging what I said and then moving forward with her scripted sales pitch. And then I realized. It wasn’t real. She wasn’t real. It was a recorded message that sounded like the real thing, but ultimately, it was a lie.
So much of what we hear sounds like the real deal. We attach truth to what is ultimately a lie.
Questions would have stumped the prerecorded call. But I didn’t ask any. I just verbally nodded my head with a yeah here and an okay there.
We have to stop saying yeah and okay and start asking questions about what the Word of God really says. Otherwise, well meaning and not so well meaning voices will narrate fictitious notions and we will trust them as truth.
Everything we believe is based on something. Something we’ve heard, read, or even just thought seemed like a good idea – or like it made sense.
But what we are willing to live and die for has to emanate from eternal Divinely decreed truth or it’s not worth living or dying for at all.
We need strong, unshakeable biblical foundation gripping us to the core. Holding us secure.
To embrace that truth that we are loved with a relentless and unconditional love by the very Creator of our being… by the One who has no equal and needs no one.
Holding us secure when the wind blows hard against our hearts and storms rage around our wounded souls.
Holding us secure when our world falls apart, our purposes pine away, our dreams become clouded by reality, and when we don’t know what is real and what is true or how to live lives of significance in this crazy backwards world.
We just really need to know what the Bible really says about the topics we live and breathe every day.
If not, what is it we are living for? What is it we are dying for? What is it that makes us who we are or gives us hope for what we can be?
We really need to know or we just never will. And we will exist and be gone and will have missed the point of our presence here on earth.
I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want you to miss.
That’s why I wrote this Bible study and that’s why I hope you will join me in this journey to discover what the Bible really says about…
Eternally His,
Phil 3:7-14
Download your complete Bible study by clicking this link and let the digging begin!
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