So…this podcast thing is really happening and we couldn’t be more excited!
We’ve been batting it around for several years but the idea of starting a podcast was pretty daunting for two tech-challenged Bible study girls.
So, we started to pray and talk about what God wanted to do in our lives and how He might want to use us…and to use a podcast to share the truth of His Word in a time when we are inundated with so many lies.
We kept sensing a green light from God, so we have launched out into the wide world of podcasting!
We’ve been working behind the scenes to bring it all together and with a lot of help from our family and friends, we are now ready to launch our new podcast… a podcast you can trust called What’s the Bible Say?
What’s the Bible Say? is a brand new podcast for question-askers and truth-pursuers who want to know what the Bible says about Christianity and the culture we live in.
In every episode, we look at an important topic and examine 3 things.
- What’s the Bible say.
- Why does it matter.
- How to live it out in real life (how it relates to us personally).
This is a personal invite to join us for every episode and discover what the Bible says as we find biblical answers for today’s questions.
This is also a personal appeal to share this with your friends and family (believers and unbelievers) to help us grow but ultimately so we can share God’s Word with those who know Christ and try to reach those who don’t.
You can find us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify this coming Monday! (October 30, 2023)
You can also find us…
- Website:
- YouTube:
- Facebook:
We’d love for you to join our Facebook page (What’s the Bible say?) where you can ask questions and be part of the conversation. And invite your friends to join to!
There’s nothing like diving into Scripture and discovering what the Bible says together!
AND…a BIG shout out of thanks to:
- My super talented, patient and helpful son DJ Shott and his lovely very kind and helpful wife, Leah, for ALL the tech help, graphics, logo, personalized how-to videos, and words of well-seasoned advice! We could not have done this without y’all!!! LOVE you both mucho!!!!
- And to Denise Brian Taylor for his tech skills and direction! There is no way we could have hooked everything up and got it all running without your help Brian!
- Jodi Aiken for nuggets of advice, suggestions and help to nudge me forward when the podcast was still a seed in my heart.
We’d also love any feedback you have and would love to engage with you as we dive deep into God’s Word together and discover What’s the Bible say!