Do you know God is jealous for you; that He sings over you…or that He yearns for you? Do you know He loves you with an everlasting love and He has given you precious promises that are yours because you’re His? Do you know God has anointed you to do something specific on planet earth? All of these wonderful nuggets of truth are unearthed when we begin our personal dig in the Word of God.
God’s Word is the life-changing source of faith, salvation, wisdom, power, purpose, peace, direction, protection, comfort, forgiveness, redemption, deliverance and direction. Our time in the Word is not something we have to do, it’s something we need!
But, if your day is anything like mine, your plate runneth over and you’re overwhelmed. So much to do, so little time and at times the Word of God sits on the table eager to be read, longing to find its proper place of prominence in your life.
Perhaps you’ve had seasons of structured, consistent time in the Word when you basked in the wonder of His presence and heard the echo of His still small voice. Or maybe you’ve never really known where to begin when it comes to reading the Bible. Wherever you are in your journey, one thing holds true…there is no substitute for time in the Word.
By the way, click here to subscribe and join me on a journey that may look very much like your own.