Praying for Your Children

Today’s post is near and dear to my heart. If you have children, I’m sure the same is true for you.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4

I love being a mom. And like most moms, I’ve always wanted what’s best for my children. I remember not long after I became a Christian all I could think of was how desperately I wanted to see them have hearts that longed for the Living God.

In 3 John 1:4, John’s joy overflowed as he watched his beloved Gaius living out loud for God. He may have been talking about his spiritual children, but I believe John’s words echo in the heart of every Christian mother who desperately desires to see her children walking in the truth.

There are so many things we can try to do to see them come to know Christ at an early age – to see them grow in Word – to see them become men and women of God. We can take them to church, get them involved in Christian activities, teach them right from wrong and we even try to instill a Biblical world view in their hearts.

But our greatest work as a mother is to incessantly intercede on behalf of our children.

If you’re just starting your journey as a mother, you have the blessing of bathing your child in prayer from the beginning. But no matter how old they may be now, it’s never too late to start praying for your children.

Here are a few ideas to help you intentionally and strategically pray for your children:

Pray Always: Maintain a heart of continual prayer for your children no matter where you are or what you are doing. “Never stop praying.” 1 Thes 5:17 (NLT)

Pray With Scripture: There is an unequalled element of faith when God’s children pray God’s Word back to Him because they trust Him. Insert your children’s names in the precious promises of God and acknowledge that you are believing He will fulfill His Word.

Last Thursday on Scripture Dig, Teri Lynne showed us how to pray through Scripture. Do that same thing. Only pray through each verse for your children as well as yourself.

♥ Ask God to help your children to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. (Mark 12:30)

♥ Ask the Lord to give your children the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they would know Him better. That their eyes would be enlightened that they would know the hope of His calling. (Eph 1:17-18)

♥ Intercede for your child’s character. Ask that they would be humble and willing to put the needs of others before their own. (Phil 2:3-5)

God’s Word is chock-full of verses to pray for your children. As you read through the Bible during your quiet time, keep your eyes open for new waysto pray for your child. There is no substitute for praying God’s Word back to Him.

Pray With Urgency: We have no idea what tomorrow holds for us or for our children. So pray now. Fervently pray for your children. Pray that God would be their Shield and Defender and let your prayers become road blocks for the enemy.

Pray With Wisdom: So often we don’t know how to deal with certain circumstances in our children’s lives…but God does. Ask Him for wisdom and then pray for your children according to the wisdom He gives you. If you see an area of weakness in their lives, begin to intercede for victory in that area and wisdom to know how to parent them through it.

Pray For Their Spiritual Needs: Salvation is their primary need, so passionately pray for it. Pray for protection, direction and a heart after God. Pray they will always have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to believe. Pray they will be strong in the spirit and in the power of His might.

Pray For Their Emotional Needs: Pray for their emotional well being. Pray they will be strong without being hard; that they will be tender, without being weak; that they will understand their value in the sight of God; that they will not be quickly angered; that they will not hold grudges; that they will love well.

Pray For Their Physical Needs: Pray for their health. Pray for their eating and exercise habits. Pray they would not have addictive behaviors.

Pray For Their Friends: Pray God would surround them with people who will strengthen their faith, encourage their walk with God and hold them accountable.

Pray For Their Parents: Yes, pray for yourself. That you would be the parent(s) to your children that God calls you to be. That you would understand them, see their weaknesses and their needs, and would know how to walk them through each season of their childhood.

Pray For Their Future Spouse: Pray for the one God is preparing for your child. Pray for their salvation, their character and that they would truly love your child and be a godly and faithful spouse.

Pray For Your Prodigal: Please hear my heart on this, dear one. Your heart may be breaking because your children are far from God and everything they know to be right and good. I know how hard this unwanted journey is and I want to encourage you with everything I have to keep praying. Don’t give up; don’t grow weary; don’t be angry; don’t lose faith; don’t lose heart…keep praying. Drag that child’s heart to the altar of the Living God every day – lay them at the feet of the Savior – claim God’s Word over their lives. You pray like no one else will.

You can’t quit! I know it’s hard. I know you’re frustrated and I know your heart hurts like crazy. But God is a miracle working God and His arm is not slack that it cannot save. He alone is able to make beauty out of the ashes of your prodigal’s life. Hold on in prayer, my sister and live your life face down in intercession for your children. Because if you won’t – who will?

And mother-to-mother I want you to know I pray your children will live out loud for the Living God because we all know…there is no greater joy than to see our children walk in the truth.

Are you desperate to see God move in the heart of your child? Do you have any suggestions that may help mothers who are longing to be prayer warriors and stand in the gap for their children?

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  1. Awesome post, Stephanie! Such wonderful points as reminders. We all need to be more diligent in all these points. Thank you! Blessings to you!

  2. Thanks Lynn. Hard to write while a prodigal still lingers in my life, but I think that's why God wanted me to write it.

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