Happy Tuesday, girlfriends! Yeah. I know. This was supposed to be in your inbox yesterday, but I am BEGGING you to be patient with me while I’m walking through an extremely busy season!
I may be busy and not able to keep our Monday/Wednesday/Friday Bible study schedule, but I want you to know that you are always on my mind.
Oh goodness! Now I sound like Willie Nelson! (Sorry to put that song in your head!) 🙂
But, I just had to include a little video to join you in this journey! Oh, how I wish we could do this thing face to face without cities, states and continents dividing us. But this is the next best thing and I’m so thankful for all things tech!
So, I’m sending a little vlog your way just to encourage you in the Word. Nothing deep…just a bit of encouragement.
(By the way…don’t laugh too hard when you see how far away I have to hold the Bible to read from it!) 🙂
If the vlog is not showing up, please CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE IT
Let’s dive in, girls! We’ve got some ground to cover!
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9 NIV
Have you ever listened to someone who seemed to be dragging things out and when they eventually got to the point all you could think of was, FINALLY!
Well, I don’t think Paul was dragging anything out, but he seems to be saying “Finally” as if he’s summing things up with words of wisdoms that seem to call us to the impossible…CONTROL WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT!
We all know the battle begins and ends in the mind. It’s not only the attack is launched, it is also where victory takes place. The question is, “Whose victory is it?”
The Bible tells us we are in a war. Ephesians 6:10-18 gives us a clear depiction of the war we are in. It’s not the typical type of battle. It’s not with flesh and blood – it’s a spiritual battle that’s fought in heavenly places.
It may surprise you, but we’re not really called to fight this battle. We’re called to stand – armor on and sword drawn – we are to stand.
We’re called to fight the good fight of faith 1 Timothy 6:12, but we’re not called to fight a war that only God can win.
We stand strong while that war rages on around us and let God fight our battles for us! He fought the battle for Abraham; He fought the battle for Moses; He fought the battle for Joshua; He fought the battle for Barak; He fought the battle for Gideon; He fought the battle for David. He fights the battle for us.
But we must stand. And while we stand we must protect our hearts and minds.
Notice the arsenal of protective thoughts we are given to guard our hearts and minds in Philippians 4:8-9:
True – Jesus is the Truth and all His ways are true.
Noble – Worthy of reverence or honorable
Just – According to God’s standards and principles
Pure – Morally clean, undefiled
Lovely– Lovable, friendly, kind, gracious
Of Good Report – Spoken highly of, worthy of respect, courteous
Virtue – Integrity, uprightness, purity
Praiseworthy – Worthy of adoration based on God’s standards
These are the things we’re to intentionally think on as we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Today, you only have two questions…
1. What are you doing to guard your heart and mind?
2. Have you made up your mind to make your mind up with those things described in Philippians 4:8-9?
I’d love to have you join us in our study of Philippians! You can receive your Bible study in your inbox by clicking this link. Or you can click on the Google or Networkedblog link to receive it in your feeder.
© Stephanie Shott, 2011
The question is, “Whose victory is it?” LOVE THAT. I've prob. thought of it before, but you give me fresh revelation in knowing that we are to stand and God fights our battles.
We must be faithful and full of hope and belief that He WILL!
To answer your questions:
1. What are you doing to guard your heart and mind?
Surrounding myself with friends/associates that speak and choose life. Daily devotional and Bible reading.
2. Have you made up your mind to make your mind up with those things described in Philippians 4:8-9?
I think about having the mind of Christ.
As Joyce Meyer always says, “Set your mind and keep it set” on the things of God.
Think about what you're thinking about!
Something that you said on the vlog reminded me of a quote that is in a play that my oldest daughter is in:
“Don't ever listen to nobody louder than you listen to God”
I needed that today. Thanks!
Kela ~ Thanks for popping in! I love that you have walked with me through Philippians! It's been quite the ride and it's given us some unexpected turns! Love that it's so much more than a book of joy…more like an instruction book from a friend who loves us and wants to see us flourish in the faith! 🙂
I love your answer to the first question – Chose friends who will speak life into our lives & then, of course, it's back to time in the Word and time in prayer! Great truths, sis!
I also love the whole “setting” the mind thing. Set our affections on things above…keep it set on things above! LOVE IT!!
Carrie Anne ~ I'm so thankful you popped in! Philippians has been such a fun and challenging study! I love how God uses His Word to speak into our lives!
Praying you are encouraged to believe what He says about you every step of the way on this journey called “life.” 🙂