Visit Me at Penny’s Place

Hi sweet friends! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I’m over at Penny’s place today. Penny Zeller is posting an interview she did with me and I’m SO excited and SO honored to be sharing her space in cyberspace!

Penny Zeller is the author of several books and numerous magazine articles in national and regional publications. She is also the author of the humor blog “A Day in the Life of a Wife, Mom, and Author.”

Please check out Penny’s author page and her books at Click here to see some of her books.

If you’ve never met Penny before, please be sure to pop in to her site and say hi! I also hope you’ll visit me over there and leave a comment!

I love you girls and I’m praying that as we draw close to the end of our study of Philippians that God would make His Word come alive to you in new and powerful ways! I have loved that we are walking in the Word together and I’m so honored that you would join me in this journey through the Word.

Ok…now pop over to Penny’s place and be sure to say hi! I’m giving away a copy of Ecclesiastes: Understanding What Matters Most! (Be sure to leave a comment to enter the drawing and I’ll send it to the winner as soon as it comes out this spring):-)

Oh…by the way…There are crosses in the trees again! Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Spring. And right before Easter, pre-pine-cone buds become crosses as a sweet reminder of what Jesus did on the cross!

They’re not in every type of pine tree, but look for them and then reflect on how awesome our God is to use something as simple the shoot from a pine tree to declare, “I love you this much!”

So, look up sweet friends! The heavens declare the glory of God and all creation cries out His praises!


  1. Heading over there, now.

  2. Thanks for popping in over there! I commented on your comment, sweet friend! You rock! 🙂

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