
Ever feel like your plate runneth over?

My last year has been a heaping helping of more on my to-do list than hours in my day. That’s not just my story, but it seems to be true for a lot of women these days?

What about you? Whatchadoin’ these days?

Me? Well I’m…

…working on my speaking schedule throughout the end of the year and the first quarter of next year. (if you know someone who needs a speaker, I’d be honored to be considered and I still have several weekends open – so email me :-))

…working on my posts for Scripture Dig for the week of July 5th. (I’ll be writing about a topic I speak on – “When God is Silent” and I’m praying the Lord really uses it to encourage the hearts of women who are baffled by their season of silence.)

…working on writing the devotions for a book I’m writing with a sweet, godly girlfriend.

…finishing up some resources for a speaker’s site that I can’t wait to tell you about one day soon! 🙂

…writing my current WIP and preparing it to be agent worthy and publisher ready.

…preparing for and doing small groups on Wednesday nights (LOVE time in the Word with these sweet ladies!)

…ministering along side my hubby as much as possible,

…trying to enjoy time with my birthmom while she’s here for a month.

…watching the grandgirl every Friday night (Oh, how sweet it is!)

…working my 9 to 5, cooking, cleaning, paying bills and all that day to day stuff.

I know I’m not the only one who’s a busy girl! Your days probably runneth over too! But I’m so thankful the Lord gives us the privilege of serving Him while we have breath – aren’t you?!

So, what about you? What’s your day like? Are you feeling like you’re spread too thin too?


  1. YOU, Stephanie, have been/are being one productive woman!!!
    Praising God with you for all the opportunity to serve Him and praying with you that He will be made famous through your efforts!!

  2. Oh, girlfriend. Now I need a nap!

    Actually my days look a bit like this right now. Trying to work on two books, watching two grandgirls several days a week, two books in progress, keeping up with the blog as well as requested guest spots and a regular contributor to another, beginning study to teach Luke in the fall, trying not to be swallowed by a messy money pit. In addition, we're planning (and covering all expenses for) my son's beach wedding on July 4. We're still in the midst of a cleanup after a sump pump failure, and my dad (who lives 3 hours away) is being discharged home today following a brain hemorrhage. He needs 24/7 care for several days. Grateful that my sissy is picking up the slack there for the moment.

    Otherwise, not doing much. 😉

  3. Kela ~ Thank you SO much for your kind and encouraging words! I know you're a busy girl too! Love that we're all trying to make a difference together in different places for His glory!

  4. Sandra ~ OH WOW! You are ONE BUSY GIRL! Praying God multiplies your time like the fish and the loaves and praying He does exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or think!

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