Daily Devotions for the Family – My Daddy Can Do Anything!

Good Monday morning, sweet friends! I hope you’re doing fantabulous!

We’ve had yet another death in the family and are getting ready to walk through the funeral fog once again. My mother-in-law’s husband died. They had been married for 18 years and he was a close family friend before they married. So, John’s absence will certainly leave an empty spot in our hearts and lives.

He was a good and gentle man who loved his family deeply. About three weeks ago, I asked him, after 91 years of life, what advice would he give to young people today. His answer was, “Keep yourself out of trouble and always do what you know is right!”

Simple, yet profound advice, wouldn’t you say?!

This week our devotions are going to give us a glimpse of who God is. Now, I know you girls are used to me writing more extensively, but since these are devotions and not a study, I’m going going to keep each blog a bit brief.

Today, we’re going to look at our Abba – our Father – our Daddy!

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.” Romans 8:14-17

I was born as a result of a rape, so I never really wanted to know who my real daddy was. But I had a daddy who adopted me into his family and made me his own.

He was a gentle, hard working man who loved his little girl like crazy. He worked two jobs to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. He made sure I was able to pursue my dreams and he challenged me to face my fears.

I loved curling up on his lap and following his every step. I just knew my daddy was the the strongest, fastest and bestest daddy in the whole wide world! My daddy could do anything!

He went home to be with Jesus in 1997 and I miss him dearly!

But I’m not without a father.

The Creator of the universe has adopted me into His family and made me His own. He loves me like crazy and has promised to be my Protector and my Provider.

He places dreams in my heart and then calls me to walk in them. Not alone – but holding His hand each step of the way.

I’m absolutely sure He is the strongest, most courageous Daddy in the whole world! Yes, my Daddy can do anything!

My earthly daddy was a good man, but my forever Father defines good by His very existence.

I don’t have to worry about my future because my Daddy has directed my steps.

My earthly daddy loved me but my forever Father defines love by His very nature.

I never have to worry about walking through anything alone because my Daddy will never leave me.

I never have to be afraid of the dark because my Daddy is the Light.

I never have to be insecure because my Daddy has made me more than a conqueror.

I never have to be concerned about failing or falling because my forever Father will lift me up and help me succeed.

I never have to worry about being overwhelmed by my world because my Daddy can speak peace to my storms.

I never have to worry about losing a fight because my Daddy already beat the enemy of my soul.

                            Yes, sweet friend, my Daddy can do anything!

Let’s Get Personal:

1. Do you know that you’ve been adopted into God’s forever family?

2. Are you allowing a dark season of your life to make you forget your Daddy is Light?

3. Do you see yourself as your Daddy’s little girl or do you struggle with your identity in Christ?

4. What problem – what circumstance – what fear is bigger than your Daddy?

Extra Credit…

1. Write out a list of your fears, your struggles and the things that seem to be rocking your world and then beside each one write, “My Daddy Can Do Anything!”

2. Write a letter of adoration and praise to your Daddy and tell Him what you’re trusting Him for and what you’re trusting Him through.

I love thinking about the Daddy-ness of our Heavenly Father! The fact that the Creator has such a personal love relationship with His sinful creation is astounding! 

I love bragging on my Daddy and reminding women that He is everything we need and He is all we need! In fact, it’s a topic I speak on.

What do we really have to fear when our Daddy can do anything? Really?



  1. Wow. I love this and I love thinking about God as my Daddy. I didn't have a very good example of a dad in my life. And as a teenager that was really hard on me but I've tried to let it draw me closer to God. Rather than focusing on my lack, I remember that I'm the girl with the perfect Father! 🙂

  2. Oh, another great post, Stephanie! I love thinking of God as Daddy and crawling up in His lap, leaning against Him, and hearing His heartbeat. Nothing better in the whole world. In answer to your questions…

    3.Daddy’s little girl!
    4.Nothing is bigger than Big Daddy!

    Loved this. And I'm so sorry about the death in the family. Will be praying for God to comfort everyone. Blessings to you!

  3. Stephanie,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with everyone. I'm so sorry for the loss of one of your family members. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

    Love ya

  4. Hi Debra ~ I'm with you! I absolutely love thinking about God as my Daddy! He's perfect…everything about Him is perfect…and He really can do anything! 🙂

  5. Hi Sweet Lynn ~ I loved the part about listening to His heartbeat! Beautiful visual in my head from that comment!

    And I loved your answers! I'm especially glad you said yes to number one! 🙂

    Love ya!

  6. Hi Johna ~ Thanks so much for your concern and prayers! You are such a blessing! I also told Donald you were praying for him, as well. 🙂

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