31 Ways to Make Your Eternity Intentional – Guard Your Heart

Hi, sweet friends! I hope you had a fantabulous weekend and a great time worshipping the King of kings with your brothers and sisters in Christ! We’re right on the edge of a new week and I’m peering over with joy at the week of vacation that lies ahead! 

Oh how I need some time to just BE and enjoy time with my Savior and time with my man! This week is treasured time and I just can’t wait to dive in to the days ahead!

My 31 Ways message along with a little personal message from my heart to yours is on the video, so please be sure to watch it!

If you’re receiving this in  your inbox, please click this link to view the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEqMp7QzgoM

Proverbs 4:23 beckons us, “Above all else, guard your heart, 

   for everything you do flows from it.”

The Bible tells us above everything else we pursue – above everything we claim to be important or valuable, we are to guard our hearts.

Will you share why you think that’s important and/or what can happen when we don’t guard our heart. Without divulging names, have you ever seen the consequences of an unguarded heart?


  1. Thanks for the encouragement Steph, and have sweet days away of refilling together with your man and the Lord.

    And yes … I'll be praying about that blossoming ministry open door. 🙂

    Love you Stephanie!

  2. Thanks Julie! Love ya friend!

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