May I Introduce You to Donna Pyle

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I often say I love how cyberspace connects God’s girls and expands our ministry borders! I’ve met countless women who are on the front lines of making an eternal difference in the lives of other women and whose lives inspire mine!
That’s how I met today’s guest…on the internet. In fact, I think it was through Facebook. When I saw Donna Pyle’s passion for the Word and for helping women grow in their relationship with the Living God I knew we must be cut from the same cloth and I couldn’t wait to introduce you to her!
In fact, her Bible study entitled, Your Strong Suit, became available just about the same time as my Bible study on Ecclesiastes, Understanding What Matters Most!
Donna has graciously offered to provide one blessed winner a Bible study set giveaway (DVDs plus 1 study guide – retail $100)! Just leave a comment below for a chance to win! You can enter your name a second time when you share this by Facebook or Twitter! Just be sure to let me know in the comment section that you’ve done that,
And now…without further ado…may I introduce to you Donna Pyle:
Donna Pyle is an engaging speaker, author, Bible teacher and worship leader, Donna has a passion for studying and teaching God’s Word. Since launching Artesian Ministries in 2007, she has authored 17 Bible studies, numerous devotions, and magazine articles, and serves as a Staff Writer for Blessed Life Magazine.

Donna’s first DVD-based Bible study series, Your Strong Suit, launched nationwide on November 15, 2011. She is currently writing under contract with a publishing house to produce a full length Bible study on comfort, due out in the summer of 2012. She’s also writing her first non-fiction book under the expert guidance of her literary agent, Rachelle Gardner. Donna fuels her creativity with Chick-Fil-A® and Starbucks®, and enjoys writing, blogging about faith-based issues, traveling, reading, singing, and torturing her cats with feather toys.

“Your Strong Suit” – DVD Bible Study SeriesA study of Ephesians 6:10-18 – It seems odd that Christianity and warfare intertwine. Isn’t Christianity about love and peace? Yes, but there are dark spiritual forces launching continuous attacks against us, our loved ones, and every area of our life. Suiting up in God’s armor provides our only chance or survival.

Walk with Donna through Ephesians 6:10-18 as we discover the battle, our armor and our place in God’s army.

This brand new resource is available for shipping on November 15, 2011. The set includes 2 DVDs containing 8 live teachings by Donna (30-40 min. each) and one 85-page color, spiral bound study guide. Additional study guides available for order below.

[This study also available at]

$100.00″Your Strong Suit” – Additional Study GuidesOrder additional Study Guides here for each participant in your DVD Bible study series group. Each Study Guide is 85 color pages and spiral bound.

**Email for bulk shipping quote.**

Donna’s Contact Information:


PO BOX 963
SPRING, TX 77383

Twitter: Twitter: @DonnaPyleTX

Okay, sweet friends! Here’s your chance to win something big! Comment away! 🙂


  1. I dearly love my sweet sisterfriend, Donna Pyle, and this study is close to my heart for varying reasons. Powerful, being one. A compassionate heart for our Lord (Donna) being another. Thank you for the opportunity to brag a little about a Bible study that is sure to change lives (and for the possibility of winning “something big!” I've watched God work through Donna, and heard Him speak through her… And she will be the first to say, “Not me, Lord. All You, and all for You!”

  2. Sharen, what an encourager you continue to be! This study has been such a labor of love to draw women into God's amazing Word. I'm so excited you've put your name in the hat for this set! Thank you, sweet Friend.

  3. WOW! Sounds like an interesting and heart changing Bible Study. I always am in awe at how God uses us to minister to other women! Ways that are beyond me that is for sure. Would love to win this for our ladies at church.

  4. Thanks, Cindy! If you'd like to see the preview clip, head to Good luck on the drawing, and blessings!

  5. The study sounds wonderful and would love to win this for our Ladies Study Group. I attend a very small church ( which Stephanie has encouraged me to stay with it, that God had other plans for me, and He certainly did!)and have been asked to teach a class beginning the first of the year. I thank God everyday we have ladies like you and Stephanie to minister to us. God Bless!

  6. Kelly, I love your determination to stay in the Word and provide a resource for other women to do the same. It's so very important! Don't you love it when God connects us in new ways? Blessings!

  7. Sounds interesting! I love Bible study! And the armor is an important concept to understand.

  8. I'd be very interested in using this study with a new small group that I am forming in my neighborhood in 2012.
    God bless you in your continued pursuit of Him!

  9. I shared the contest with my many wonderful friends on Twitter 🙂

  10. Michele, it's so important indeed. Walking around with out it is like wandering into a mine field surrounded by snipers. Thanks for stopping in!

  11. Melinda, how wonderful that God has placed such a great adventure on your heart! Life happens in small groups. I can't imagine my spiritual journey without mine. And thanks so much for sharing this on Twitter! Blessings!

  12. This study is so exciting, because as women we get so engrossed in all the details of being Proverbs 31 wives and mothers, we often overlook our strong suit. Others may see it, but we may miss it, or think God couldn't possibly use us for that. Whoever wins the give away – congratulations! Whoever gets a chance to do this series, you will certainly be an automatic winner! It is a win-win situation, no matter how you see it.

  13. Sunny, what a great comment! Proverbs 31 is such a high standard, isn't it? Thanks for stopping in today. Blessings!

  14. I just watched the preview clip! AWESOME!

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