I’m writing a chapter for The Making of a Mom and yesterday on Facebook, I asked this question, “What’s the worst thing someone has ever said to you & why?”
And wow! The response broke my heart! I was blown away by scars on the hearts of so many precious people. Wounded by words said long ago.
Some, able to move forward without allowing their words to define them. Others still hurting from careless, critical, and even calculated words.
We’ve all walked through painful places in our lives. We’ve been hurt by others, we’ve been hurt by life. Things beyond our control have a way of rocking our world and shaking our faith.
Life can be hard and we get hurt along the way. Some more than others.
There’s abuse, addictions, abandonment, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, financial issues, divorce, disease, and a plethora of things that leave us speechless and wondering where the Lord is and how to walk through the pain and make it through to the other side.
Today, I want to invite you to listen to my dear friend, Lisa Buffaloe’s audio, No Wound Too Deep and find help for your hurting heart!
CLICK THIS LINK and find hope because there’s no wound too deep!