Found only 3 times in Scripture and always followed by the Greek word for Father (Pater), the Hebrew word Abba also means Father.
While it doesn’t mean Daddy, as some have suggested, it does give us probably the most personal of God’s names in our relationship with Him. (Please see note at end of the article regarding the above statement.)
He is the Father of all who have surrendered their lives to Jesus as Lord.
He is our Creator, our Lord, our Master, our God, and so much more… but this relational name identifies us as His sons and daughters, bound in an unbreakable familial relationship with the Almighty God.
That relationship is different from Creator/creation or Master/servant. We are His children and, as His children, we are His heirs… joint heirs with Jesus Christ… with the benefits, blessings, and responsibilities that come with being His children.
I used to say my daddy could do anything. I knew he had limitation and that he wasn’t perfect ~ but he was a good dad and I was blessed to call him mine.
You see, I was conceived as the result of a rape, so I never was interested in finding my real father.
However, God blessed me with an amazing mom and dad who adopted me and loved me as their own.
My dad was the strongest, most gentle man I have ever known. He protected me, shared his sage words of wisdom, corrected me, and he even knew when it was time for me to learn from my own mistakes.
Perched upon his lap and nestled in his arms was my safe place.
My dad went home to be with Jesus in 1997. I miss his gentle strength.
I’m familiar with adoption. So I know how it works. Once you’re adopted, you can’t be un-adopted. Much like, once you’re born, you can’t be un-born.
So…imagine that! The Creator of the universe has adopted me into His family and made me His own. He loves me even more than my dad did.
I’m absolutely sure He is the strongest, most courageous Father in the whole world! He has no limits and He has no equal. So…yes, my Daddy can do anything!
- My earthly dad was a good man, but my forever Father defines good by His very existence.
- I don’t have to worry about my future because I know that my Father has directed my steps.
- My earthly dad loved me but my forever Father defines love by His very being.
- I never have to worry about walking through anything alone because my Father will never forsake me.
- I never have to be afraid of the dark because my Father is the Light.
- I never have to be insecure because my Father has made me more than a conqueror.
- I never have to be concerned about failing or falling because my forever Father will lift me up and help me become all He created me to be.
- I never have to worry about being overwhelmed by my world because my Father can speak peace to my storms.
- I never have to worry about losing a fight because my Father already beat the enemy of my soul.
Yes, sweet friend, my Father can do anything! And if you’ve been born again and adopted into His family, He’s your Father too.
Y’all…we, who were once enemies of God and without hope, have been blessed with an unbreakable family relationship with the Living God!
We who were once hopeless, now have hope. We who were separated from God are now part of His forever family!
It doesn’t get any better than that!
BTW…That makes us forever family. How cool is that?
- Praise Him for who He is. Abba… your Father. The One who knows the worst about your but loves you the most.
- Thank Him for being your Father, knowing you can trust Him to know what is best for you and is there for you no matter what you go through.
- Repent of any disobedience to your Heavenly Father, Abba.
- And just take a few minutes to listen to this beautiful song. Allow yourself to bask in the beauty of knowing Abba and worship Him for who He is.
If you can’t view this in your reader, please click here.
Abba is only mentioned 3 times in Scripture. Take a few minutes and look up each passage and get to know your Father a little bit more.
- Visit blueletterbible.org to find all of the passages that include the powerful name, Abba.
- Create a “Knowing God More” Journal. Write out what you learn & how God speaks to you.
- Write each name on a 3 X 5 and meditate on them throughout the day.
- Contemplate the significance of the name or title in context.
- How does that name or title relate to you?
- How can you honor Him more as ______________?
- In what areas have you seen Him be ______________ in your life?
- How can you pray to Him by this specific name or title?
- How can you pray His specific names or titles over your husband, your children or those you know and love?
- Use a Bible Dictionary and Commentaries to help deepen your level of understanding.
What did you know about Abba before today? How has this helped you know Him more?
Thanks for joining me in this journey to know Him more!!! Please be sure to share any comments or questions you might have!
Eternally His,
Phil 3:7-14
NOTE: The idea of translating Abba to mean Daddy seems to stem a concept stated by a German Lutheran New Testament scholar named Joachim Jeremias who in his 1971 text, New Testament Theology, wrote that the term Abba was “the chatter of a small child. . . . a children’s word, used in everyday talk.” However, the term Abba was used by adult children as well as young children and the concept that Abba means Daddy was rejected by most scholars.
There are other Greek words that were used for the more familiar childish address of a father that could have been used, yet weren’t. The title, papas, for example, is similar to our title, daddy.
While this is important in keeping with the original language and meaning of the Lord’s name Abba, it also important to remember that it is a very person, intimate and relational name that His children get the privilege of calling Him.
For more information, please check out these resources: