Some Great News & a Whole New Series

Hi y’all! I have been chompin’ at the bit to share some exciting news with you, but had to wait ’til permission was granted and all systems were “go”! 
A few months back, Kathi Lipp invited me to be part of a vision she’s had to minister to the heart of women by ministering to those who lead them. It’s called

It’s a content site and so much more for women in any type of leadership role, as well as those who want to know and grow more. The site is chock full of free resources to help with events/ministries and even on a personal level.

You can also find information on potential guest speakers for your upcoming event. I can’t tell you how uber excited and honored to be on the Speaker Chicks team!

So, before we dive into our new series – or after you get done walking through the Word with me, please take some time to pop over to and browse all the free resources. Check out the Speaker Chicks and the other resources that are offered. 

Be sure to sign up to be on our email list and you’ll get a FREE Planning Guide for Event Planners. Please, please, please LOVE the event planner. I’m wrote it. 🙂

Oh, and don’t forget to meander your way to Facebook and “Like” Speaker Chicks! Here’s the link:


From Broken to Beautiful

It’s the title of our new series and I can’t wait to sink my heart into this one! 

As I look around at what’s going on in people’s hearts and lives, I can’t help but see how broken we really are. People are going through some stuff, girlfriend! Perhaps you are too!

I don’t know what season you find yourself in, but we all have broken places of our lives; wounds that need to mend; hearts that need to heal. Maybe from a painful past experience or maybe from your present season of stress or struggle.

Wherever you are in your journey, I pray this series will speak to you in your place of need!

We’re going to walk through the Word and examine the lives of those who have experienced the gracious grace of God as He brought beauty out of their brokenness. He will do the same for you, sweet friend! Oh yes! He will do the same for you.

Our journey will begin at the beginning where Adam and Eve defines brokenness by choice. Many of the broken places of our lives are the result of choices we’ve made along the way. Like Adam and Even, we want what isn’t good for us; we run after that which we should be running from; we dismiss the warnings; we disregard the consequences; we dive in and hope the water’s deep enough. 

Genesis 3:6 echoes humanity’s propensity to pursue empty promises and foolish fleshly desires. Honestly, we’re not too bright! 

“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” 

  • She saw the tree was good for food – lust of the flesh
  • It was a delight to the eyes – lust of the eyes
  • It would make one wise – pride of life
  • Eve blamed the serpent – passing the buck
  • Adam blamed the woman and God – passing the buck and losing his ever-loving mind!
We do the same thing! Many of us are suffering the consequences of our own lust-of-the-flesh, lust-of the-eyes and pride-of-life problems.

But even in the midst of Adam and Eve’s colossal catastrophe, God showed up and met them at their greatest point of need. The greatest demonstration of love was shown because of our greatest need.

He does that, ya know! He makes beauty out of ashes. He made beauty out of ashes in the garden when He clothed the broken couple in coat-skin. He made beauty out of the ashes of our sinful nature when He went to the cross and purchased redemption for us all!

He rescues the perishing. He sets free the captive. He heals the broken. Even when it’s our own fault.

That’s what the cross was all about!

Today, I want to encourage your heart with the truth that God delights in mending the broken pieces of our lives. He longs to make beauty out of the ashes of our lives – even if we’re the ones who broke the pieces and made our own ash heap.

Some of you are wearing your guilt on your shoulder like a scarlet letter of shame. Jesus died for your guilt AND your shame, sweet friend! Like a Weeble…we all fall down. But we’re not to stay down – not when He has lifted us up.

He’s just waiting for us to give Him the broken piece of our lives – the ashes of our own choices.

As we start our new series, examine your life. Are you holding on to your ashes because you’re afraid to let go of them? What consequences are you walking in today from choices that you’ve made in the past? Are you willing to let the Living God mend the broken pieces of your life? Will you forgive yourself of what Christ already has? 

Will you allow the Lord to take you from broken to beautiful, my friend? Even if it was your fault in the first place. Someone needs to hear this today! He will move your from broken to beautiful, sweet sister… Just trust Him!

One Comment

  1. Silly girl, Weebles don’t fall down. I have an very old one on my computer to remind me to stay upright before my Abba.
    I’m new to your site & am glad I stumbled across it.
    You encouraged my heart when you wrote:
    “Never allow your service for God to become a substitute for your relationship with God.” As a home-bound 75 year-old, my service days are limited. I focus on drawing near and nearer to Him so I can minister to my caregivers and a few visitors.
    How blessed I am to be able to continue to fulfill my mission: To encourage the spiritually oppressed through written and spoken words. Thanks for helping me do that.
    BTW, my 2020 goal is Psalm 46:10a.

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