Have you ever wanted some quick family devotions you could do at the breakfast or dinner table? Have you ever wished you could have something to share with your kids on the way to school or when you’re traveling?
Many of you know that I home-schooled my boys for 11 years and I loved every minute of it! Okay, to be honest, there were a few ‘minutes of it’ that I didn’t like so much – but that season of our family’s life was priceless!
I loved the buzz that surrounded the beginning of the school year – the used book sale and curriculum fair – all the new school supplies – the home-school group and co-op meetings to plan the year. I just loved it all!
One of the highlights of every year was when I sat down, spread their books out on the dining room table and commenced to survey what the school year would look like on paper. Each day of each semester was written out before the first day of school.
But I always struggled with finding short devotions beyond the curriculum and beyond the Bible study plan for each semester. You know, those short little five minute table talk devos you can do with the kids to plant seeds of faith in their hearts.
So, for the next few weeks, I’m going to start a series of table talk devos you can do with your kids…or on your own. There will be questions designed to spark some conversation about what they are going through and how they can apply God’s Word to their lives.
Be sure to make the discussion relevant to your children’s circumstances and you may just be surprised how much they open up during devo time. So, here we go girlfriends…
Short and sweet devotions that speak from the simple places of life
Let’s begin with a little look at the hummingbird.
Yet the Bible tells us…
Extra Credit… 🙂
1. Take a few minutes and make a list of the things God has provided for you in the last week.
2. Write out a prayer of thanksgiving for the needs God has met for you in recent days.