31 Ways to Make Your Eternity Intentional – Volunteer

Good Friday morning, sweet friend! Wow! This week has been a whirlwind for me. I’ve been working until 12 to 1 a.m. every night this week and I’m whipped! But I’ve had a pretty productive week, so I am crazy happy about that! Icing on the cake for me is going to be at 5:00 p.m. today when my sweet little grandgirl walks through my front door and we go for a walk, look at the moon and I watch grandpa’s heart melt every time that sweet thing says, “Papa”!

I can’t help but wonder how you’re doing today? Wondering how your week has been?

Please know you’re the object of my prayers and I love hearing from you! Thanks for the emails and Facebook messages. You girls rock!

Now lets look at today’s #11 way to make our eternities intentional.

Today we’re going to take a look at something that obviously will require us to be intentional but it certainly can have some big time eternal ramifications. It is the opportunities we make to volunteer.
You may have noticed that I didn’t say the opportunities we find. Volunteering by its very nature is intentional. 
It’s funny, but when we think of volunteering we conjure up visions of soup kitchens at homeless shelters, filling baskets at Thanksgiving or visiting a nursing home. Our view of volunteering is often very limited. 
In today’s post, I hope to broaden our scope of service. 
In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Sounds intentional, doesn’t it!
Here is a list of 25 ways you can make an eternal difference in the days you are given under the sun:

1. Work that soup kitchen at a homeless shelter

2. Be a mentor at a children’s home

3. Work at a local food bank

4. Teach God’s Word or perhaps working skills at a local women’s shelter

5. Become a reader at the local library

6. Mow your next door neighbors lawn, cook her a meal or clean her house

7. Mentor a single mom

8. Watch someone’s children for free

9. Help a caretaker out. Spend the day with the parent she is with 24/7. Stay with him so she can go to church.

10. Help with Special Olympics

11. Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity

12. Visit children who are long term patients in a hospital (like the Ronald McDonald House)

13. Frequent the local nursing home or Veteran’s Center

14. Offer to collect needed items for a local school

15. Collect blankets and coats for the homeless and organize a food drive and distribution for them

16. Get your ladies group involved in collecting gently used clothes for teen moms and babies at the local home for unwed mothers

17. Tutor children 

18. Teach adults how to read in a local “Learn to Read” program

19. Volunteer for emergency response teams like Samaritan’s Purse or the Red Cross

20. Give the elderly or handicap a hand by driving them to the store or to a doctor’s appointment

21. Help with a political campaign

22. Serve in your local church

23. Be a teacher’s aid in your local school

24. Mentor some children in a low income neighborhood or apartment complex

25. Use your skills, like knitting or sewing to make something special for those in need

Those are just a few of the ways you can intentionally let your light shine, sweet friend! Each time you volunteer a little of your time and talents, you bring light into a very dark world and you make an eternal difference.
Typically, it’s not hard – it’s just always intentional.
What are some ways you volunteer? Have you seen others do something I haven’t mentioned?

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