Just Do These 3 Things

I shared this with some sweet friends through a text message today and thought it might encourage you with an expanded version of it as well…

So, here’s today’s word from the Word from Ezekiel 3.

This morning during my time with Jesus, I was reading in Ezekiel where God was calling Ezekiel to a hard task.

He called Ezekiel to do 3 specific things:

1. Eat the Word (Ez 3:1-3,10) – we can’t share a message we haven’t consumed ourselves. God’s Word is something we should devour. Like necessary food, it nourishes, strengthens, and keeps us healthy. 

God’s Word does all that and a whole lot more.

May we be people who devour God’s Word.

2. Speak the truth of God’s Word (Ez 3:3-9, 11, 17-21) – regardless of whether others receive it or not. Our responsibility is to share it. Their response is not up to us. 

3. Talk with God (Ez 3:22-27) -We can’t pour from an empty vessel.

We need to listen to what the Lord is calling us to do daily… even if it’s hard. We fill up our spiritual cups through the 2 basics of our Christian lives… 1) Time invested in the Word and 2) Time in prayer. 

God told Ezekiel it wasn’t going to be easy. He wasn’t going to be popular. But he was going to be fulfilling God’s will for his life and God was with Him every step of the way. 

Whatever you’re facing now or will face in the future may not be easy. In fact, Jesus told us in this world, we will have tribulation (John 16:33) – we know it’s not gonna be easy.

But like Ezekiel, we can stay true to these 3 things and be encouraged to know God is with us every step of the way…

  1. Consume the Word. 
  2. Share the Word. 
  3. Spend time with God in concentrated prayer. 

Just thinking of y’all and wanted to share some encouragement for the day.

Eternally His,

Stephanie Shott
Phil 3:7-14


  1. Helen Asombrado Dumili

    Thank you very much for this message. It is what I needed most and praying for all readers of yours to do what you’ve shared. God bless.

    • I’m SO glad the Lord used it to encourage you today! Seems like it’s so easy for me to get distracted doing so many things that ultimately move me farther from what God calls me to do instead of closer to God and what Je wants me to do. Especially when life gets tough and I get a bit frantic thinking I have to handle it all. Peace is found in simply pressing in to Him… knowing Him and Making Him known.

      I pray you have an amazing CHRISTmas and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!

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