A New Devotional for Overwhelmed Moms & an Invite to a FB Live in August!

As I’m writing this post, I overheard a commercial on TV for a reality show in which a woman uttered these oh-so familiar words…

I’m just so overwhelmed as a mom and I don’t have a clue what to do?

Sound familiar? 

We’re living in unprecedented times!

We’re smack dab in the middle of a pandemic, there’s social and political unrest, unemployment is through the roof and many are facing unexpected financial hardships that leave them wondering if they’ll be able to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

All of that and so much more on top of an already overwhelming life as a mom.

Life may sometimes be overwhelming but you don’t have live life overwhelmed! 

There’s a new devotional for overwhelmed moms!

Overwhelmed ~ 31 Devotions for Moms is a new 31 day devotional that was written by real moms who have found hope, healing and victory through seeking and trusting God, and through applying biblical truths to everyday life.

They share their own overwhelmed mom-stories in hopes of leaving an imprint of faith on your heart and to remind you that you’re not alone.

These moms have traveled the road you are on today and have learned that at the end of overwhelmed, there is comfort, courage, hope, healing, and yes…even peace.

And you’re invited to do this new devo on Facebook Life with friends!!!


Join me for Facebook Live every morning at 10am, August 1st – 31st (except Sundays) as we devo together in the Word and in life.

We’ll be using the brand new 31 Day Devotional called Overwhelmed: 31 Devotions for Moms and it’s only $3.69 for the ebook and $5.79 for the paperback.

If you’d like to join in, pop over to Amazon and purchase it today.

In Overwhelmed: 31 Devotions for Moms each devotion equips moms with…

• Scripture to cling to
• Real life relatable mom-stories
• Reflective questions to inspire personal growth.

Hope you’ll join in and let’s discover how to overcome overwhelmed together!

Eternally His,


P.S. If you have any questions or thoughts you want to share, please feel free to do so in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!

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